Chapter 5 : Raden

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In another, more chaotic, part of the city, a young man was hiding in a drippy alley. The tall buildings provided enough shadows for him to hide from the horrifying red eyes that were following him for a while now. He ventured deep into the shadows. Barely dodging the garbage cans and rat attacks. It was a bad day! He kept cursing his girlfriend for bringing him out today. If only he hadn't left his house and run into those things .... There were many factors that could be blamed for his current situation, but in the end it was him and the panic surging in his heart. His only thought other than cursing was - if he made it out alive today, he'd definitely break up with his girlfriend and live a more peaceful life! There was a limit to how much he could think when he was running from something so terrifying. He wanted to jump the wall on the other side for an ultimate escape, but a series of footsteps echoed in the alley just as he was trying to get a good grip on the wall. The footsteps were slow and full of mocking. A low whistle followed by a deep giggle sent a chilling feeling up his spine. For a moment, the young man couldn't move. Fear had paralysed his feet and his hands were shaking violently. Within the shadows of the alley, a pair of blood red eyes revealed themselves. Red eyes stared at the young man like he was eating a three-course meal. "Running away?" The owner of those red eyes asked in a smooth yet terrifying voice. The young man finally came back to his senses and once again started to look for a c***k in the wall. His efforts were fruitless and the red-eyed man kept closing in towards him. His pale face was like a jumble of mist and smoke in the dark alley, frightening to the level it made the young man's blood ice cold. "Please let me go!!" The young man gave up and fell on his knees against the wall. He cried tears that would otherwise embarrass him. But in the face of death, he didn't care if all his dignity was shredded away and eaten by dogs!! "Such a healthy and sweet sweet scent you have," the red-eyed man smiled, revealing his two sharp fangs,"If I let you go, won't that mean a big loss for me?" The young man was silent after seeing those terrifying fangs. His heart was pounding loudly, he was already seeing his death play out before him. Being torn apart and sucked dry by this beast who looked no less human than him. It was over - "Loss is a special trait of yours. I thought you'd have gotten used to it after years of eating rats." The young man's pounding heart nearly stopped when someone else spoke. He couldn't decide whether he should be laughing at that lame attempt of an insult or try to run again. As he was contemplating, another person joined them in the alley. The pale man with red eyes was annoyed at being interrupted. The man who just entered looked a lot friendlier than the fanged and red-eyed guy who still didn't have a name. "Raden. Who invited you to my party?" The scary looking man sneered. His voice went down a few notches in an attempt to scare Raden. Raden's warm brown eyes looked darker in the dark alley and it reflected the pale face as if those irises were made of glass. He smiled warmly at the young man who was still stuck by the wall and extended an arm towards him. The young man was scared out of his mind. The red-eyed guy had already scared him to this point, and now two of them had cornered him like that. As to why did he assume this Raden guy was in cohorts with the red-eyed man? Anyone who could tease that thing must be just as terrifying as him if not more! That's two terrifying guys in front of him. Both must want to kill him!! Raden chuckled as if he heard his thoughts and hooked his fingers, "Come on or this guy will really make you his dinner. I'm giving you a chance to run. Take it." "W-Why?" Raden frowned, "I admire your courage. You have questions even in the face of death." The young man cried harder and crawled towards Raden's outstretched hand. He grabbed onto it hard enough to stop blood supply in that particular part of the body. Raden pulled him up and threw him on the other side of the wall. The young man cried out in surprise. He never expected to be catapulted out of the deadly situation!! The wall wasn't high and somehow he landed safely on the other side. The young man wanted to curse at Raden for throwing him like that. But after a second thought, it was the easiest way to get away from that red-eyed man. Thinking like this, he immediately ran away. Once the young man was out of the equation, Raden pocketed his hands and smiled at the other man in front of him. His red eyes glowed harder, his fans exposed due to the sneer. Raden chuckled, "Don't be a spoilt sport now, Sirus. We both know the consequences of hunting out in the open." Sirus was obviously mad at being robbed of his hunt. He closed in on Raden and warned, "Don't you dare get into my business, you filthy dog. If it wasn't for our pact, I would have torn you apart by now." "Leave the tearing job to our pack, as we are best at it," Raden countered, "You should suck on some more rats while you are in the alley. And step into the afternoon sun while you are at it. A little vitamin D might help with that complexion." Sirus was enraged until his eyes were ablaze. Raden chuckled and took a step back, with a light kick, he jumped to the other side of the wall as well. Outside the alley, the afternoon sun was blazing, so Sirus was forced to take a shaded route out of the alley. He hid in the shadows and reached their base. The three others had caught a prey each, only Sirus came back empty handed. All because of that dog who interrupted his hunt! Raden left the alley in good spirits. Who knew he'd come across such a scene on his rare day off? As Alpha's son, who was about to take over the leader position in a few years, Raden was rarely given a break from training and work. The only day he came out of the city, he had to rescue a human from a blood s*ucker. But that wasn't enough reason to spoil his mood. He sniffed the air when he caught a sugary scent in the air. He followed the scent and went to a bakery. The scent of sugar and baked bread and coffee was overwhelming in a good way. Raden liked being high on caffeine on his days off. He went inside and immediately ordered a set of doughnuts and an extra cream coffee to enjoy. He sat by the window and slowly sipped the coffee while scrolling on his phone. He liked to follow the latest gossip in human society as their pack lacked a social life. There was nothing interesting on a daily basis. After finishing his coffee, he went to the washroom for a minute. When he came back, he sensed another scent in the bakery. It was unlike the typical bakery scents but not too obvious. Raden shrugged and sat down to have his doughnuts. When he was sitting by the window, he caught sight of the girl who had just exited the bakery. She was holding a box from the bakery and a coffee to go. Raden's eyes were fixed on her until she got into the car and drove away. With a doughnut in his mouth, he was a bit confused as to why he was staring at a random girl like that. Nothing made sense, so he finished his treat and left the bakery to keep strolling through the city until the day was over. He did not encounter another blood sucker or any uncalled scents for the rest of the day. He went back to the pack that was situated in the woods on the outskirts of the city. It was disguised as a small town away from the city and rarely anyone ventured out there. The pack had a deal with the government stating that they wouldn't be disturbed in their pack and in exchange they would help the government in keeping any unwanted visitors from their side. It was a fairly good deal. Because in this era, no one gathered troops to march into a city. At the least, if anyone wanted to harm the city, they'd directly bomb it from the sky. That was not their pack's concern. All packs in different cities had this kind of agreement with their respective governments. Thanks to that, the pack was kept a secret for a long time. Raden was returning home when the sun was nearly off the horizon. As the sunrays were dim and the streets were cold and dark, those blood s*uckers slowly crept out of their holes. Raden casually walked down the streets, hands in pockets and a carefree attitude. Because he knew those blood s*uckers wouldn't bother him. That's why he rarely came out of his pack to the city. Because it was infested by those vampires. The werewolf and vampire societies had been at odds with each other for as long as anyone could remember. They just never got along and fought whenever they saw each other. Then comes a question - why did Raden and Sirus end things in a peaceful manner earlier in the day? The answer was a pact made a hundred years ago. After a long fight between the two societies, the respective leaders came together to form a pact. No matter how much they hate each other, they won't attack each other outside their territory. That meant, unless a vampire snuck into the pack and attacked them, they couldn't harm each other. Infiltrating the pack was a good enough reason to kill that vampire and also announce war against that Vampire's clan. And the same goes for the other side. Raden reached his pack gate and scanned his thumb on the huge metal gates. The gate was at least three times like a normal metal gate that was the entrance of the pack. A line of houses were drenched in warm lights. Raden went home and met his best friend as soon as he entered. "Reporting again?" Raden asked when he saw his best friend holding a bunch of files in his arm. "Everyone is working, so I can't complain. How was your day?" Wilson asked. "Fairly good. Saved a life and had donuts." Wilson eyed his empty hands and sneered, "You didn't bring back any?" "Prey or donuts?" "What do you think?" Raden laughed and said while going inside, "Sorry. Next time. Promise." "You said the same thing last time!!" Raden was already gone, leaving an annoying echoing laugh behind him.
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