Chapter 14 : Be Careful!

1008 Words

Raden drove out of the sketchy area and they were out in the main street within minutes. The atmosphere inside the car was stiffer than a metal rod. No one dared to make a sound. There was a passed-out vampire in their trunk! Elinor did not dare lean on the seat. What if she was suddenly attacked? It was cowardly of her. But at this moment she was just purely scared of the creature in the trunk. No one expected her to be brave about it, right? In the silent car, the only sound they could hear was each other's breathing and the occasional chimes of the gps telling Raden to make a turn. Raden must have had enough of their behaviour so he broke the silence. "I asked one of my friends for a place where we could interrogate this one. It's not too far. We will reach there in five minutes

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