The Burning Sky-3

2040 Words

“Quid Mauvet?” How about Mauvet. “Docuit exemplo tantum, ut possint stare repetens erroribus. Quod si backfired, quia non solum non discere, sed multo magis etiam videtur molesta sit amet. Quia nunquam convenient persistent quis hoc cognovi haec, ego iam pulchellus certus.” I only taught him a lesson, so that he could stop repeating the same mistakes. It backfired though, because not only did he not learn, but he also seems to love causing trouble even more. Never meet someone as persistent as this, but I'm pretty sure you already knew these things. “Ago. Ego iustus volo facio certus ut ius positivum,” he says. I do. I just want to make sure that I’m positively right. I smile at him. “Et avertetur a vobis ut dubitasti? Propter quod numquam evenient. Te amo sint omnia. Et sic permanet in

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