At that moment, Jonathan was listening furiously to his guardian, his brows a straight s***h over his blue eyes. "It was my experience," Henry drawled, "that Abigail was extremely expensive. Are you certain your estates can handle it, Levington?" "I have enough blunt to keep her in style, and you know it," Jonathan said evenly in spite of the fury in his eyes. "I'm curious, why do you care so much who I spend my time with?" "Because you're not experienced enough for a clever doxy like Abigail." Eastland met his ward's gaze with a lifted brow. "While I admit that she knows some very pretty tricks, it can cost a great deal." "I appreciate your concern," Jonathan grated, "but I'm satisfied that I can watch out for myself." "Oh, I am too. But you won't be watching out for the illustrious