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Chapter 12     Amirah     I stared at his face,looking for a hint of what he would say. It was a very forward move for me and s bit out of my comfort zone,but I wanted more time with him. "Don't do that." His voice broke my thoughts." "Do what?" He tilted his head a bit as he stared at me. "Pout. Put your lips like that." "Like this?" I did it again. "Such a brat. Yes. I will come up for a bit because you need to be taught a lesson. Now watch out  so I can properly park." I stepped back and contemplated on exactly what he meant. Shortly, he rejoined me with Stylan in his arms. We headed up in the elevator in a comfortable silence. When we got to my place, I opened the door and lead him to where Stylan's room was and we laid him down. I kissed his forehead and pulled the covers over him.

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