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Chapter 21 Amirah     I felt like I could die. I wanted to curl up in a blanket and just tune the world out. This was something I never expected from Max. Was he really that upset over my refusal to come over? Did something happen to them? My heart felt like it was beating out of my chest and my windpipe felt like it was being crushed. Just when it felt like i would pass out, there was a knock at the door.  I rushed to it, hoping against logic that it was Max  I t wasn't. It was two NYPD officers. "We are here about your son. Can you tell us what happened?" I let them in and told them what I knew so far. They took notes and reassured me they would find Stylan and that Max could be charged with custodial interference based off what the custody papers said. They were standing to leave whe

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