Game On

727 Words
Chapter 6 Donnie I smiled at the phone. She would do it. She is a natural little. I would guess early teens is her range. Sassy. Tad defiant. I love it. Bet there is a bit of brat in there too. I love a brat. I found myself looking forward to exploring her head space and really looking forward to age play. She was perfect. I hadn't been in the life all that long but I found I enjoyed it. My last little sadly moved out of country but she taught me a lot about myself, my own headspace and the life. Her presence had greatly improved my life and I wanted that feeling again. Caring for someone. Literally and figuratively. A little discipline That feeling of not only being wanted but needed. I love it. I am a hard man to please. I like my women strong but sexually submissive. I want them independent but sexually needy. A caretaker, but wants to be taken care of. Weird. I know but Amari seemed to fit the bill so far from what I observed. Lack of eye contact, blushed easily, but had moved to one of the busiest and harshest cities in the world. I desperately want to pursue her. It looked like she had some interest. I'm hoping that is what I saw. I began the pursuit game right away. Hopefully I am coming off as assertive and dominant but not too much so. I can be caring and that type of guy but my gut says she needs a daddy and I want it to be me. She has a kid. A pretty cool one from what I have seen so far. I consider this as I pack my bag to head to the fencing gym. I always wanted a kid. Due to a car accident when I was just a child, it's unlikely I will ever father my own. Single moms definitely aren't off limits as long as they aren't the type who encourages the kid to not listen to me. Stylan took to fencing like a fish to water. I didn't tell her yet but he got his form down so quick I was even impressed and it's hard to impress me. I shook my head at myself. I just met her and am picturing her long term. What if my needs and wants scare her off? I feel nervous. I try to shake it off and start my day. "Donnie! My man. How is it going?" My colleague, Bruno greeted me as I entered the gym. " It's going pretty good. How are things with you?" He let out a breath. "Can't complain for once man. I got a newbie yesterday. I saw you did as well. Your kids mom is a hot number." I bite back a retort. She may be good looking but I don't like him commenting on it. "She's not bad." Bruno doesn't even notice the restraint I am practicing. "Looks like a shy little one. If the kid bugs you, send him my way, ok?" Not in this lifetime. Bruno goes through more women in a day than I do all year. He is something worse than a player. I start walking away. "Sure thing Bruno." I head to my locker to prep for my first student and start my workday. After a long afternoon/evening at the club, I was more than happy to head home. Once I got in I quickly tossed my gear in the wash. I love fencing but man, it can make you sweat. I hopped in the shower and got clean. Once done I headed to the kitchen to see what, if anything, I had to eat. Best part of being a bachelor in NYC, everything delivers all the time. There isn't a 'we're closed.' The fridge was bare. As usual. I really needed to hit Trader Joes. I looked at my phone 9:41. Ok. Chinese it is. I opened the grubhub app and place my order then sat down to play a bit of Halo while I waited. Midway through the mission, my phone dings. I glance over to make sure its not food and see it's Amira on messenger. Well,well. I opened it up. It simply said 'Hi. How was your day.' That is definitely enough to start with. Game on.
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