
the umbrella boi

realistic earth

Life is such a strange unpredictable journey. A hopeful solo hiking led to a series of many unfortunate events and an eye opener for the souls.

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the umbrella boi
. . Every year ,in the mid winter,its always been like a compulsory routine for our family to visit my elder brother grave ,as this is one of the saddest seasons for the family .He was long gone even before he knows how to call me ,my name or even did know i existed. We visit his grave in this season and we placed a newly wreaths and a bunch of red rose . The days of visiting is tomorrow,but something cross my mind, which urge me to visit today's alone by myself,to have some intimate moments with my brother's souls, i wish to see him again once more even if its a soul or a dream . For i longed to called him big brother. I check on my weather apps and find nothing out of ordinary the weather seems ok,but to make sure its fine, i checked the weather, peeking outside the window,the weather was calmed and the beautiful feeling fills the sorrounding. I didn't bother to inform my parents about my plan of the day,instead i decided to go on a secret mission ,solo hitch hiking to the cemetery. If i told my parents about my plan they will freak out. It was already 8:00 Am, i thought it be late if i don't hurry. I worked as a teacher at one primary school for nearly a decade,but my passion for teaching , dealing with kids, students fade out. The reason can be attributed to many factors, particularly the late payment of monthly salary, overtime work schedule,early start of class,as most of the time i wake up late im always late for classes. I rarely go to school this days,as im physically weak ,as well as im not interested. And i thought this secret visit to my brother grave will bring me at least a little peace. I decided to skip class today. I quickly pack up the necessary gear,my camera,my lunch pack, probably a cup of instant ramen,a packet of cigarettes, a couple of beer bottle, and small portable water flask to keep the hot water for the ramen. As i exit my room, i notice something odd, everyone was nowhere to be seen and the house is indeed fill with silence but nothing weird run through my head,and i thought they might be at the balcony, doing their usual things, i choose to sneak out of the house via back door as i don't want my family seeing me going on a hitch hike alone by skipping classes. The cemetery is half a mile from my home, recently a new spot for burrying the dead had been open ,east of the old cemetery where my brother was buried. I decided to walk on via the main road as the weather was calm and also to enjoy the pleasant view of the hills . Halfway on the road near the bridge,i saw a group of young people, smoking m*******a,and it seen they were having fun they were blasting a songs which i had never heard before, it's kind of like a reggae but with more of on off beat, and it brings a smile on my face as at one point im like those kids, not knowing when the day will end. As i venture on forward,to my bad luck ,i met a funeral procession ,i stood at one corner at the curve and observe the procession, i saw many familiar face. Friends,collegue,juniors, girls, and family members, as soon as i saw my mom face, her eyes red swollen and still sobbing, i can't help myself, but feel bad for her, and thinking if i die too early she be crying the same . I felt emotional. I decided to take another route to reach my destination. I recollect ,why my homes is very quiet at the moment i left home, cause they had went for funeral . I wonder why they didn't bother to informed me about it,i became annoyed but the thought of peaceful moment , with the nature brings back good vibes. I didn't think much about the funeral procession beyond that . The alternate route i take is less traveled path as this path is only travel by Birds hunters and hitch hiker and its the perfect path for me. Finally i reach the south gate of the old cemetery, but it was lock, so i decided to climb over the fence. I climbed over and set foot inside the kingdom of dead body. This cemetery is being in used right from the beginning of the cold war between super nation. My brother grave is located near the main entrance, and i had to walk past many old unknown tombs,but the feeling of being scared of ghost is never in my blood . The area is overcrowded with many graves so a new site was built east of the old site. And I don't concern much to haunted things, as im very much attracted to the darkness of the worlds. As i continue on with my adventures, taking photographs , something caught my ears,i thought its some kind of birds,i didn't put much attention to it . I feel the urge to smoke a Cigarette, i reach out my pocket and take out the cigarette and as i was about to light it. I couldn't find my lighter, i thought i had forgotten it. I cursed my forgetfulness,as i was cursing, from nowhere my eyesight caught something, a blue color lighter, isn't that my lighter ? i thought, i pick it up and as i was about to light it ,i heard a familiar voice,i heard my name being called on repeatedly,i thought , who would have know of my plan, i didn't update anything on f*******:,nor at my what-apps, how in the world would someone know it, unless they follow me from behind. But the voice came from my opposite direction, i decided to check out on the person who is playing a bad prank on me,as i was lost in my opinion about the voice, I heard my name being called again,i move forward to the direction of the voice,but how much further i go ,i could never reach the source of the voice. Now im very much annoyed for ruining everything, because of someone whom i had not seen called out my name, im on point to find that person,so i began to continue walking on toward the source of the voice,as i venture deep into the heart of the cemetery, i can see a thick fog is approaching slowly, i talk to myself my town weather can't be trusted, at one moment its sunny and at an instant its foggy,all my mood is ruined so i decided to head back home plus the weather is becoming worst, its not the ideal weather for a perfect day . Out of sudden birds seems to fly away from the place no noises, silence , there is silence, except my breathing noise.As i turned around, to my horror ,the fog had already engulfed me and the surrounding. I thought of nothing supernatural,but now i began to hear laughter and my name being called by another person ,in a different pitch, some high and some low. Now the only thought that came to me was to run,but as i began to run the thick fog followed me, and the fog grew thicker and thicker. My vision is being block by the fog and i couldn't see anything besides the thick fog. As i began to panic, a voice just whisper in my left ear, HELLO BOI, YOU SCARED! Look out for the UMBRELLA BOI. Now im dead sure, im being played on by a demon ,a dead man soul,i began to scream, the more i scream, the louder the voice laugh. Now all the little hairs on my skin stands up and i almost peed in my pants, without realizing on which direction im running,i began to run . I regrets for going to the cemetery alone and im blaming myself, why don't i spend my days at my room and listen to cool music.,im doomed at the hand of the devil. As i was running blindly, a hand from the ground hold my right leg and i fall down, as my hand began to feel the ground,all i can feel was a cold body ,i realize im walking on top of a pile of dead body,as my fear grew,a cold wind blew past my cheek, and then i can still hear my name,and insulting me, ,YOU ARE WEAK, YOU DON'T BELONG HERE, YOU ARE USELESS,YOU ARE USELESS, YOU ARE ZERO,WHY DID YOU COME HERE, i heard many voices,some are hard to describe , some resembles lots like those of modern metal vocalist,i wonder if those songs were truly inspired by demon,im going to stop listening to it ,as i was about to give up for witnessing too much of fear, from the east side,i could hear a distant voice of a child, reciting the Lords prayer. For a moment i felt at peace , knowing someone is facing the same s**t as im facing now, i decided to follow the child location, but this would prove to be a fatal mistake to walk in that direction, after-all its the voice of a small children demonic soul trying to bring me into his favor,for the first' time in my life i happen to saw a real demon, dressed in all black eyes painted red,and his mouth full of pointed teeth,and his lips blood red,and maggots crawl in and out of his nose ,and his hair dyed the purest black, all i know before was their voice but now i can see him,now i got nowhere to run ,the only option is to run forward till i reach the other ends. As i leap forward in another direction, avoiding the little demon standing and reciting the opposite lords prayer, now he is mocking the creator,and reciting the prayer , replacing certain words,and insulting human form and the Great God, The moment i leap out,i stumbled upon a big boulder and fall down i reacted quickly and i tried to get up.as soon as possible but,as i look up, to my horror,its not a big boulder but the base of a stone statue, a statue of the gargoyle. As i continue on staring at the face ,the statue moves slowly making a creaking noise, and he smile wildly, with all his teeth,big like my nose, i began to scream even louder, as i continue on screaming,his hand slowly makes a movement and he pointed towards the East, now even without realising i decided to trust the statue and headed out toward east. As i get up and decided to rushed out toward the east,i muster enough courage and began to run, as i began to increase my pace,an invisible hand grabs my bag and im stuck for a moment, i left behind my bag,as i continue on running, hands grows from the humid ground and began to pull me down,at the same time, the voice of children reciting the prayer is increasing,and now not only one demon but a horde of children demonic soul appears,and they began to laugh in unison ,as one kids hurl a mockery at me, saying, YOU ARE SMELLY, YOU ARE NOT WELCOME,YOU ARE A COWARD, YOU ARE STUPID. Im angry but i cant help it, for they were a demons, all the hand had slowed me down and the demonic child had almost reach me, i tried as much as i can to escape from the grasp of the hands but i couldn't. To my horror all the demonic children ,they began to soar up in the air and began to laugh out loud at my misfortune, my body is being drag down and pin down on the ground by all these hands, when i catch a glimpse of all the hands, it's much worst than any nightmare, all the hands were covered in maggots and worms,with long black nails, i feel so lost and helpless. As i look up the sky voluntarily, the little demonic being pounded on me and they began to bite me,some scratch me, and it hurts lots, some began to tear away my clothes, and another one bite my ears , another one stab my eyes and i scream in pain, im so much in pain,i thought is this my end, why Lord, why have you forsaken me,i murmur, all the countless numbers of demon attacking me and eating me alive, as well as mocking about the tastes of my blood, and saying i ain't tasty,i tried to stay awake as long as i can,but sadly i couldn't wait no more, i resign my fate to all the demonic creatures,and i lost my consciousness slowly and all light fades. After many hours, i was woken up by the sound of birds chirping and squirrels playing nearby my body. I got a mild pain at the left side of my head, there is a big lump. And I check on my body and found nothing unusual and i feels satisfied,realizing its only a bad dreams, and i find myself, near the fence,of the entrance point of which i climb over,it seem, i fell down and hit my head real hard on the ground and knock out myself,and had a bad dream . I m happy that its only a bad dreams and thank God for my life. When i check my phone the battery already died, as i didn't wear a watch,i look up at the sky for the time to keep me track of the day and i notice that the sun is about to set, which means i don't have much time, left to visit my brother grave. I decided to visit together with family members the next day. I decided to cut through the heart of the cemetery, and reach the east gate,to which i can go through the new cemetery and exited from there, my chance of catching a taxi is good as there is a national highway and taxi are plying up and down. As i walk through the quiet serene area, i noticed a stone gargoyle statue, it reminds me of my nightmare but i didn't dare to stop and appreciate the beauty as i had had enough. Finally i reach the east gate and i walk through path of the new cemetery,now my pace is much slower than before, i stop walking for a minute ,to catch my breath, as i was about to reach out the beer to drink, i noticed a lady dress in black jacket staring at one newly made grave and sobbing silently,i paused and watch her from behind , i decided to ignore it but my inner soul won't allowed me to do so,my inner me wanted to soothe her and so i approach her silently as i walk closer towards the girl, i realize she was my girlfriend and she was wearing my old jacket. I remember at one point today's morning i notice a funeral procession ,i thought maybe her relatives died, as my family and her family are close in relationship thanks to me and her,we bring two families close together, I approached her and stand behind her,and make out a little fake cough, to gain her attention,but there came no action ,she just stays silent and continue on sobbing. I thought she might not heard me or she might be listening to my favorite songs at full blast. I calmed myself and i made another approach,this time i thought of tapping her shoulder,but when i do tap her shoulder,to my horror I couldn't touch her nor feel her,i got frightened ,am i seeing another ghost,or had my girl died, and because i would be in pain, my parents didn't inform me ,i had mixed thoughts. The moment i look at the cross erected at the new grave, i ve come to my senses and i feel something terrible,more hurtful than the being eaten alive. The inscription on the cross it reads as. HERE LIES THE MORTAL REMAINS OF MR. Railec V HE HAD FINISHED HIS TIME HERE IN EARTH. BORN IN THE YEAR .......1994: JAN :2 LEFT THE WORLD ON.. 2024: MARCH :11 TIME .........................................11:35 PM HE WAS A BEAUTIFUL LAD, A BROTHER,A SON,A FRIEND ,A LOVER AND A TEACHER. YOU WILL BE MISSED !! I break down,in tears, the moment i saw my name and the time of death, it seem i died last night while at sleep. i lost all hope, i couldn't accept the fact that i had not realized that i had died. As i was in deep shock, from afar, i saw my brother smiling at me, and waving his hand,i had a last look at my girl, and kiss her good bye forever. Im not satisfied as she won't feel a thing ,but as i kiss her on the forehead,she reacts to it, as a wind blew past her face, that makes me smile I move forward toward the light but my brother is nowhere to be seen, instead the light slowly faded and disappear into thin air, and thick fog began to appear again............................ I cried out, Why did you leave me behind, brother.im scared of the children. Within no time, an unseen being whisper softly almost kissing my ears, RUN BOI! SEEK HELP FROM THE UMBRELLA BOI ............................ The umbrella boi, the voice goes away with a distorted laugh.

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