Chapter 6

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~Devin's POV~ (edited) I now smell like a damn coffee shop all thanks to me. I was looking down at my own feet when I walked. Now that I know how Harry - s**t I need to stop doing that - Mr. Styles knew my address I feel relieved yet kinda disappointed. Does that make sense? Probably not. I reach my locker, turning the lock. I sometimes wonder whether my code being my fathers birthday is a coincidence. I feel like no matter what I'm doing or saying it always relates to him in a way. I was a daddy's girl, we did everything together. I grab my books, closing my locker and head to class. Today I'm actually early for once and when I enter his classroom there isn't a student in sight. There's only him sitting with his black framed glasses sticking from the corner of his mouth as he looks over a piece of paper in his hand. He's still wearing his coffee stained shirt and I'm sure he doesn't just carry a spare around with him. He's leaned against the front of the desk but as soon as I step through the door he looks up and smiles a heart melting - oh my god you're going to send me to my grave - smile. Stop! I awkwardly smile, walking to take my seat and sit down. I can still feel his eyes on me as I pull out my journal and pencil from my bag. I lay the journal on my lap leaning it against the desk, pretending to write something down to try and distract myself. I wonder who will speak first. Will we speak? This whole silence being comfortable thing is really starting to freak me out. I bite my lip, trying to hide the smile about to break through. He's still looking. I don't mind it though, but why is he? I hear him clear his throat as his feet shuffle across the floor. "You're early?" it comes out more in the form a question. "Yeah," I answer shortly while still pretending to move my pencil across the still blank piece of paper. I look up and his back is towards me, his sloppy man hand writing sweeping today's assignment across the board. "I figured you'd be late since you didn't get home till almost three this morning." "Maybe because my teacher kept me out so late." I sink my teeth into my lip further, trying not to laugh when he turns around, green eyes locking with mine, one eyebrow raised. Oh, how I wish that I could read his mind right now. "Is that so, Ms. Cavanagh?" He places the marker back on his desk, sitting down in his chair and leaning back. "Very much so, Mr. Styles. You see..." somehow I gained a little more confidence and I'm now moving out from behind my desk, laying the journal down on the desk beside mine before sitting on top of my own. "I'm sound asleep," I lie, twirling the ends of my hair around my finger. "And I get this call from a very familiar voice, but I can't seem to put a face to him. Of course I oblige and make my journey through the rain to work a night shift at the restaurant I only just applied for." I cross one leg over the other, turning more so I can watch him. I have no clue where I'm going with this, oh well. "I reach Mama G's and I'm now covered in rain, drenched from head to toe. Thank god I wasn't wearing a white t-shirt, I would have attracted a lot of male attention. But one male in particular stood out to me, and then suddenly the voice had a face. A nice one at that." "Where are you going with this exactly," he calls me out. I laugh, "I really have no idea actually, I just know you're the reason I was out until three am." I would have been okay with spending the rest of the night with you, I really wanted to say. He's my teacher, but let's be realistic here, he's probably married. I look for a ring, he has his hands intertwined laying across his stomach. Okay scratch that. Well, he must have a girlfriend. I mean look at him. "You done?" I draw my attention back to his smirking mouth. Kill me. Now I am staring. "Sorry I -" students start filling the hallways, hurriedly making their way into the classroom. They cause our conversation to fall short when it was just getting started. Harry stands up and greets the students as they come in. Today is going to be a long day. If it couldn't get any worse Zaid takes a seat right behind me. ... "Come on Devin," Zaid bugs me for the millionth time today. "Please, take me back?" he begs. My back is pressed against the lockers as he traps me between his arms that are now pressed against the lockers as well. "Not going to happen, we're done. I thought I made that completely clear." I try pushing him away with my hand, but he grabs my forearms. I squeeze my eyes shut from the pain of the burn, a small whimper falling from my lips. He instantly pulls back. "What did you do this time? Let me guess...burn yourself curling your hair? Good one. She did this to you, didn't she?" I thank god for the hallways being empty at this time. It's last period, I asked to go to the restroom and of f*****g course he would be wandering the damn halls. It's not fate, I want nothing to do with this prick. I keep quiet. He knows, but I've never once told him. He just assumes, though I would never tell him his assumptions were right. "Devin, answer me now!" he slams his fist against the locker causing me to jump. "What's going on here?" Him. What is with him? Now this is something, it has to be. He inches closer, his shirt now changed into a clean one. Zaid moves back, placing his hands into his pockets. "What's it to you?" Zaid fires back, his knuckles running over his red stubble on his chin. "Well, considering a male student is pinning another student to a locker and that other student happens to be a girl, I have every right to know what's going on." Harry raises an eyebrow. "I suggest you both head back to your class before I write you both up," he adds. What the f**k. ~Harry's POV~ I'm not going to say I don't think Devin is drop dead sexy because I would be lying to myself. This whole day I've been thinking about her. How she looks simply beautiful in just a t-shirt and jeans. I need to stop. I am her teacher. I'm not allowed to think of her in this way. I'm pulled from my thoughts when a paper ball hits me in my chest, landing at my feet. "Yo, Mr. were saying?" Jeremy, one of my students asks. I regain my train of thought by looking down at the papers in my hand. "Yeah, as I was saying. I'd like you all to write a two page composition in your journals telling me about how you're going to spend your weekend. Something simple for now," I sigh, placing the papers in my hand on the desk then excusing myself from the classroom to get a drink of water. When I turn the corner I hear the sound of something getting slammed against the lockers, and two voices. Zaid has Devin pinned against the locker and my first initial reaction is to walk up and pull him off her, but I dont. "What's going on here?" as soon as the words leave my mouth the ginger headed douche moves away. "What's it to you?" He c***s back. "Well, considering a male student is pinning another student to a locker and the other student happens to be a girl, I have every right to know what's going on." I raise a brow, looking at Devin who is fixing the strap on her bag, placing it over her shoulder. "I suggest you both head back to your classes before I write you both up," I add, looking back at Zaid. "Go on, or that will be another detention for you both, and I'm sure you two have friday night plans. Wouldn't want to spend them with me now would you?" I may be being wrong here, but if I favor her it might look suspicious. What the hell am I even talking about? Nothing is even going on between us. Get it together Harry. ... "You were seriously going to give me another detention because that asshole?" Is the first thing I hear when she enters my classroom, slamming her bag down on the top of the desk. "Well hello to you too, Ms. Cavanagh." I look up at her from over my glasses for a quick glance. Her hair is now up and she doesn't look happy. "Yeah yeah, hi to you too... Are you going to explain that crap you pulled out there?" her arms are now crossed over her chest. "What crap? You didn't think because you work for my mother and because I took you home last night I was just going to let you off easy at school?" I question, her mouth dropping open slightly. Her eyes roll, turning around sitting in her seat. "Asshole," I hear her mutter under her breath. "I've heard worse, a lot worse actually," I shoot back. She's looking down at the wrap around her forearm and before I can stop myself I ask, "That wasn't from your curling iron was it?" She stops picking at it, moving a loose strand of hair behind her ear. "Yes, it was." she doesn't look up. "Your hair is straight, Devin. I may not know you too well, but I know when you women lie." "Can you just leave it? It's none of your concern!" I take a deep breath, letting it out slowly, not wanting to push her any further. I channel my attention back to grading the damn tests for my AP Comp class I have for the more advanced students. Soon enough three more students walk in, none of which I know the names of. I glance over at the clock. As soon the small hand is on the four and the large hand is on the twelve I'm out of here. Unfortunately that's two hours from now and I'm not even half way done with grading these damn tests. I've had detention duty since day one of working here because all the other teachers are either married or do after school activities, so they have a reason not to. I volunteered my time. Being the awesome teacher that I am I thought what could it hurt? Note the sarcasm. I get paid more money to do this so why the hell not? ... All of the students are fast asleep but one. Normally I would be an ass and slam books down on the desk to wake them up but I have zero energy to deal with their mouth if I did so. Devin is moving her head to the beat of the music flowing through the headphones she now has on. I don't normally allow cell phones either and I swear I told her that last time, but I'll let it slide this once. Her eyes glance up at mine and like a little school boy with a crush I dodge her eyes, quickly looking back down at the tests in front of me. "Did you need something, Mr. S?" I don't look up. Harry, really? Grow up you're a man for Christ sake. I look up, and when I do I see she is now out of her desk and walking over to mine. "No, just really wanting to get these tests graded before I leave. Grace wants me to work tonight since it's going to be pretty busy." "I can help you, but first can I ask you something?" I lay the tests and pen down on my desk turning my attention to her. "Yeah, sure what is it?" "If Grace is your mother why do you call her Grace?" her eyes meet mine and honestly I don't know how to answer that, it's too personal. I take a different route. "If I answer that will you tell me how you got that?" I point to the white wrap around her forearm. "I thought I said to leave it." she goes to move off the desk but I find myself stopping her, moving my chair so I'm now in front of her. "Devin, I'm only asking because I'm truly concerned." My hand is at her wrist to prevent her from leaving. "Did Zaid do this to you?" I ask, hoping her answer is no, but nothing comes out of her mouth. "Devin," I push once more. "Harry, if this will help get you off my back, no it wasn't Zaid. He may be an ass but he would never do this." she pulls the bandage from her arm, exposing the burn. "It was my mom, okay. Now answer my question and let’s move on yeah?" She jerks her hand from my grip, pushing herself from the desk and standing to her feet. I blink a few times, looking around the room to making sure her little outburst didn't draw any unwanted attention and make my way back to her. I as a teacher have to report this, but I feel like if I do it will only make things worse. "Devin...I''m-" "Don't. I swear if you do I don't think I'll ever forgive you. I'm only seventeen, they will send me to foster care and I don't want that. Now answer the damn question." I sigh in defeat, running my fingers through my hair. "Fine. Grace isn't my biological mother. That's all I'm going to say." I scoot back over to my desk, pulling my glasses back down over my eyes. I go to reach for the papers, but they are snatched from mine. "I said I'd help." she splits the stack in half, handing me some and her keeping the rest for herself "So this may be quite inappropriate, but since there is only one grading sheet..." she walks over, turning my chair and taking a seat right on my lap. I bite down on my lip to keep myself from groaning when her ass makes contact with my crotch. I should push her off or tell her that this isn't right, but I find myself once again not doing that either. "I hope this is okay." she turns a bit, her ass pushing down further onto me. I'm trying everything not to get a damn hard on, but the odds of that happening are slim to none. I thank god for whatever drug those three students took before they came in here. "It's fine," I manage to say through my clenched teeth. "Here." I pull out a red pen from the desk drawer and she takes it. I manage to scoot the chair closer to the desk so our legs are now underneath it and we can both read the answer sheet. I grab my pen from the desk and begin grading, trying my hardest to keep my attention on them and not her ass being pressed against my d**k.
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