Chapter 4

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~Harry's POV~ "Sweetie," I feel the gentle touch of my mothers hands lightly shake me, waking me from my light slumber. I turn to face her, her smile so bright it causes me to mimic hers. "I'm going to go out tonight with Rex, there's food in the fridge, I love you." Just like that my smile vanishes into thin air. I know she won't be back for days, maybe even weeks. She thinks I won't notice her prolonged absence. Oh, but I do. She places a soft kiss to my forehead before she leaves, only to come home days later, high. She's not the mom that left. "Harry?" I glance over to see Grace standing against the kitchen island, apron wrapped around her waist, arms across her chest. "Did you hear what I said?" "No." "I said your father won't be able to make it to dinner tonight. Would you like to eat out instead?" "That man has worked since day one, does he ever take a break?" I stand up and grab my jacket from the back of the chair, slipping it on. "He works for the government Harry, he deals with criminals. He never gets a break." "Well, maybe if he was like me: a boring old school teacher to whom everyone hates and thinks is an ass, he wouldn't have that problem." she removes her apron from around her waist and shakes her head. "Harold you're an excellent teacher, and your students love you even if they don't show it. Don't be so hard on yourself." her heels click against the floor as she walks over to me and wraps her arms around me, pulling me into an awkward hold. Our hugs have always been awkward - probably from about the day I turned fifteen. Her small frame versus my tall one makes her head rest just against my ribs. She pulls back, looking up at me with her dark blue eyes, her make-up and outfit always done to perfection. "I swear every time I hug you you're an inch taller," she laughs, pulling away then walking over to grab her jacket. "What were you thinking about earlier anyways?" Oh, you know, just about how I was abandoned for days so my birth mother could get high. I look up at her and shrug. "School, nothing too important. Let's get going to the restaurant, yeah? I'm a little short on cash and I miss your biscuits and gravy." Grace owns a small restaurant called Mama G's here in Birmingham, that was the first place she took me after the incident. "Of course sweetie." she grabs her keys from the hook, but I quickly grab them and run out of the house, hearing her laughs from behind me. ... "Grace, oh my God, thank God you're here!" Larissa - one of the waitresses - practically screams once we're inside. "We're short handed tonight, Jess called in sick and we are slammed as you can see... Hi Harry." she gives me a quick wave. "Well, I suppose I could help, or we could call in the new hire?" She tells her, walking behind the bar and grabbing a stack of papers, quickly sifting through them. "Ahh, here, Devin Cavanaugh. Harry while I help out please give her a ring and tell her we need her tonight please." The name rings a bell, but I can't quite put a face to the name. I take a seat by the bar, glancing over the information. I grab the phone the from top of the bar and dial her number. I place it to my ear, listening to it ring a few times. "Hello?" The voice! I knew I recognized that name from somewhere. I groan, running my hands over my face. "Hello?" She repeats again. This time her voice is irritated. "'re needed at Mama G's for the night shift, Ms. Cavanaugh." "Oh, sure I'll be there. Thank you." She hangs up the phone and you can already tell that she didn't know it was me. I let out a small breath of relief, returning the phone to its receiver. "Did she answer?" Grace asks, placing her hand on my shoulder. I nod and she smiles dipping her head to kiss my cheek. "Thank you very much." "No problem, but maybe I should go." "Oh no you don't, I owe you biscuits and gravy. You sit right there." She walks into the back and I stay in my place, I know better than to move. If I do I'll never hear the end of it. ... The bell on the door goes off and I look up from my plate to see her walk in. Her eyes are down at her phone and she's drenched in rain. I don't move though, I let her come to me. "Mr. Styles?" The bag from her shoulder slides down her arm. She walks behind the bar, placing it under the table. "That was you on the phone?" I nod, not having anything to say. As if something has a hold of my tongue. I watch as her eyes scan around the room, her shoulders tense when she sighs. "I'm guessing this is why you called me in? I'm still wondering why my teacher called me in in the first place?" She pulls out an apron from under the bar and wraps it around her waist. Her wet hair falls over her face, but is soon pulled back into a high bun on top of her head. I can see her face more clearly now, her cheeks flushed from the cold and probably from rushing over here on such short notice. "You're really wet," as soon as the words leave my mouth I mentally slap myself. She notices and the flush on her cheeks turns a deep red. "No, I meant - oh my God. I meant you're wet from the rain." I groan, pushing my plate and chair back from the bar, heading straight for the restroom. As I'm walking away I hear a small giggle escape her lips. Never in my life have I ever been so nervous or humiliated in front of a girl, but considering she's my student, that might be the reason why. My trip to the restroom to hide my embarrassment was short lived when Grace stops me by shoving a tray of food in my direction. "Table ten needs this now, they've been waiting for almost forty-five minutes." I groan, removing the tray from her hands and journey over to table ten. The old lady with the cheap ninety-nine cent red lipstick sends me a dirty look and the man beside her has his arm draped around the back of her chair. What the f**k is this, cougar town? "About damn time my woman and I get our food, we've been here for over an hour." He turns to me, his teeth, except for a few are completely missing. They must have been knocked out from the last time he decided to be a d**k to someone in situations like this. "I'm guessing you ordered the steak, and her the pasta?" I lay the plates down in front of them. "Oh, you the pasta and her the steak since you're missing half your teeth. It would be fairly difficult for you to chew through." The man stands from his chair and takes me by the collar, his breath reeking of cigarettes. Memories of him start to fill my mind. "Boy, what did you just say to me? I outta knock your damn -" "What the heck is going on here?" Grace rushes over, prying the mans hands from my collar. I stand there, still, all of the memories flood back so quickly they nearly knock me to my knees. But someones tiny arms wrap around my waist, walking me out of the restaurant. ~Devin's POV~ Call me crazy, but the second I walked into Mama G's and saw Mr. Styles sitting there, my heart literally fell out of my ass. Why was he here? Why did he call me in? I walk him out of the restaurant, sitting him at one of the tables outside the door. His eyes are closed and his head is bowed. It's almost as if he isn't even here right now. It's quiet and fortunately for me it is not an awkward quiet. Its actually quite nice considering he practically embarrassed himself in front of me. The silence last for about ten minutes until he looks up and his green eyes meet mine. "Um, are you okay?" I ask, but he doesn't answer he just stands up and walks past me, briskly making his way to what I assume is his car. "Mr. Styles, wait!" I follow after him, he still doesn't turn around. "I am legitimately concerned, Mr. Styles. Does that mean anything to you whatsoever?" He whips around on his heels causing me to run into his chest, sending me backwards. His eyes are dark and filled with anger. "What actually makes you think I care that you are concerned?" There is venomous edge to his tone. I take a step back. "You don't need to worry, I'm fine. Thanks for your help, Ms. Cavanagh." I glare at him. I open my mouth to say something, but in the end choose to keep it closed. What in his right mind makes him think he can talk to me like that? I was just making sure he was okay. This is the last damn time I try to be even remotely concerned about him. I turn on my heels, heading back to the restaurant without another word or glance. *** By the time my shift is over its nearly two a.m. Even though this was my first official day on the job, I think I did pretty well. I have enough money from tips to afford a weeks worth of groceries, and maybe even enough to pay my phone bill. Although I am completely exhausted, it was totally worth the fatigue. "Devin, sweetie?" Grace, I think her name is waves me over to the bar. I walk over, taking a seat and she hands me a glass of water. " You really know what you're doing, I was a little scared when I had my son Harry call you in. I was afraid you wouldn't have a clue what to do." She pushes her red hair behind her shoulder, revealing her fair skin. Her makeup is still perfectly intact just as it was hours ago when I got here. Wait...she said son. What?! "Your son is Harry - I mean Mr. styles?" I question, taking a sip of my water. She nods happily. "Yes, you know him yeah?" "Yes, I know him. He's my English Comp teacher at school." "Well isn't that just something? He's such a wonderful teacher and such an amazing writer." Amazing teacher my ass. "Excuse me?" Shit...did I just say that out loud? "Uhh, um, yeah he's -" "Honey, its okay. I know sometimes he can be a little hard on his students, but he does it for a good reason I'm sure." She unties the food smeared apron from around her waist and throws it in the bin behind her, grabbing her bag and mine as well. "Here, and I slipped a little extra cash inside for doing such a great job tonight. I'll call you tomorrow to work on your schedule, now go home and get some rest." She sends me a warming smile. I nod, standing up from the stool, grabbing my bag from the counter and making my way out of the restaurant. My eyes immediately direct to the tall figure standing against his car and I know its Mr. styles, I mean harry. I don't know. I slip my bag across my body, hugging it tight while I walk past him, my head down. "You walked here?" I jump, startled, turning to look up at him. "What makes you think I care that you know whether I did or not?" I mock him from earlier. He chuckles. "Touché, now answer the question." I roll my eyes, not even bothering to answer him as I turn back around, only to be stopped by his hand. I groan, pulling away from his grip, keeping quiet. My head cast downward, full attention on my shoes. "Harry I'm - oh Devin sweetie what are you still doing here?" Grace asks. Harry steps back from me. "I don't have a car, I was just going to walk home." "Well, I don't know if it's appropriate, but what we don't tell won't hurt. I'm sure Harry could give you a ride home. I have to go give Robert his dinner, he's still working." she holds up a foil wrapped plate of food. "That's what I came over to tell you Harold, I'm just going to take the company car." she leans up on her tip toes, kissing her son on the cheek. "I'll see you tomorrow I'm sure, and thank you for tonight, but we we'll have a little talk about what happened later." he groans, nodding. I giggle. "And thank you again, Devin." she sends me yet another killer, warm smile and hugs me quickly before she walks off. I look over at Harry who is now leaning against the car, staring at me. "Can I help you Harold?" I laugh, using the name his mother called him just minutes ago. I walk over to the other side of the car, opening the door. "Its Mr. Styles to you, and what are you doing?" "You're taking me home remember?" I slide into the car, shutting the door and placing my bag in my lap before buckling up. The car smells like sweet cologne and I can't help but sniff the air. It smells so good, like man and cologne and I can only imagine what he would smell like if I was cradled in his arms, in his bed. What?! Stop! Harry enters the car, not saying a word, me shaking my head from the thoughts of being in his bed. He soon starts the car, driving off and turning onto the road. Every now and again I glance over at him. The reflection of the lights from the other cars passing by hit his face showing off his defined jawline. I swear if you witnessed what I am staring at right now you would be drooling too. Trust me. Apparently the one time I decide to prolong my stare he does so too and our eyes meet for a split second before he directs his back to the road. Can you say awkward? I don't know why we haven't said a word to each other this whole time, but I like it, it may sound weird, but it's not an awkward silence at all. It's honestly peaceful. The rest of the ride stays like this, but soon enough the silence is broken when Harry's car comes to a stop in front of my house. He turns to me and I look to him and smile, getting ready to thank him but he stops me. "I'm sorry for earlier, I didn't mean to snap at you like that. It's just that guy..." he stops, shaking his head. "I'm sorry okay." he looks back at me and I can hear the sincerity in his tone. "I'll let it slide this time," I smile, unbuckling my seat belt, climbing out of the car. "Thank you Harry. I'll see you in class tomorrow... well today." I giggle, shutting the door. I turn to walk up my steps only to hear my name being called. I smile, turning back around to see the window rolled down. "Don't forget you owe me detention. See you tomorrow, Ms. Cavanagh." With that he drives off down the road. Dammit, I thought I would get off easy, but of course not. I watch as his car turns at the end of my street, then it hits me I didn't even tell him my address. (Okay so this chapter is really long. Sorry not sorry. haha Anyways, I just wanted to tell you in the last Chapter Devin's Ex his name is being changed to Zaid, so it will not be Brett anymore. Also wanted to say i really love this chapter and I would really like you to tell me what you thought. Like really tell me. Please I'll love you forever. I'll give you cookies. Also wanted to say thank you for the reads and comments and vote it means so much to me. This story is going to be really good I promise you please stick around long enought to hear this amazing story of Harry and Devin. 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