Chapter 5

1992 Words
They both stare at me, concern in their eyes. Have I done something alarming? Were they just arguing, or had I imagined that too? What were they arguing about, and why can’t I remember anymore? They look like their normal selves. I stand there, just as confused as they are, when Tobias breaks the awkward silence that has fallen over us. His voice forcing me out of my head and into the present moment. “Imogen… Imogen, what’s wrong? Are you hurt?” He seems to sniff the air lightly for a second. I tilt my head, observing them. They glance between themselves, doing their silent communication only they can understand. The room warps and spins, growing darker as the seconds pass by. I see Tobias shove past Theo, his fingers reaching for me. The world falls around me. My muscles turn to weights. No, wait, I'm the one that is falling. Oh no, I remember this feeling. I’m having a panic attack. s**t. I try to breathe, but my body gives up functioning, and I can't catch my breath as the room grows darker; my vision tunnels, and I try to remember the most basic bodily function, one that should be instinct, but I fail. Then the darkness takes my sight away completely. I don't know how much time passes before I wake up. Groaning, I groggily lift myself onto my elbow, my other hand clutching my head. Within moments I am forced down by Theo’s heavy hand on my shoulder. “Woah there, lay back down for a bit.” I stare, confused. I’m lying on the brown leather couch in Tobias’s office. Tobias is sitting on the edge of his desk, arms folded across his chest, making him appear even more intimidating than usual. However, concern is etched on his face as he stares back at me. That’s new. Theo‌ sits beside me with my legs over his lap, rubbing them of all things. s**t, I did something embarrassing; I know it. “What happened?” I ask, confused. I try to think of the last thing I remember. But I only remember eavesdropping on a conversation between Tobias and Theo about… Funny, I can't remember a single detail. All I can recall is the vibe that something was off, then the not being able to breathe thing, Theo's enchanting gaze, and, oh yeah, my old friend, the darkness. “You fainted. Just lay down for a bit and drink this,” orders Tobias, walking back over with a glass of water in his hand. I sit up, pull my legs from Theo, and lean against the armrest. Reaching out, I grip the ice-cold glass of water. My fingertips brush Tobias's. He rips his hand away as if I had burned him, before moving back to his desk. A knock on the door a few minutes later interrupts our awkward tension. Tobias tells them to enter, and a leggy blonde woman steps into the office with a few styrofoam food cartons in her hand. My nose twitches as the smell wafts from it. My mouth waters at the smell of Chinese food. The blonde woman peers around the room, unsure of what to do. Her light blue eyes dart to each of us frantically until she sees Theo, and she freezes in place like a deer in headlights. She’s incredibly attractive; she has white suit pants on and a blazer with a black cami. “Just leave it on the desk, Merida,” Theo speaks quietly. Merida jumps slightly but obeys before quickly darting back out of the room, which has grown incredibly tense. What did I just witness? Why did she seem so scared? And more importantly, how long have I been out? Looking at the clock that hangs above the door, I notice the time. 3:15 PM … my eyes bulge out of my head. I have been out for hours. Jumping to my feet, I quickly make my way to the door. s**t, I’m supposed to have the Merger files ready by 4 PM. Just as I open the door, a hand shoves it shut above me, the lock clicking into place. Burning heat seeps up my back. I instinctively freeze at the abrupt harshness of the door being slammed in my face. “Sit back down, Imogen.” Tobias's voice is demanding. A cold shiver runs up my spine, his hot breath tickling my neck. “I have to get the Merger documents for your meeting,” I try to argue back. My voice comes out shaky; I can hear the fear in it. But why am I suddenly scared of my boss? Leaning into me, his front presses into my back, body molding to mine. Lowering his head to my ear, he whispers, “I said sit back down.” He emphasizes each word, giving me no choice. I turn towards him only to be met with Tobias’ harsh gaze staring back at me. No help there. I shrink under his glare and take a step back, hitting the door with my back, feeling extremely small beside him. Who am I kidding? I’m small beside him regardless, but right now, I feel tiny and weak and hunted. His eyes soften when they meet my fearful ones. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.” He speaks gently, a trace of my former boss in his eyes. Scratch that. My former boss wasn't usually this gentle. Theo, sure, but not Tobias. Reaching down, he places a loose hair back behind my ear before stepping away, motioning for me to sit back next to Theo. I quickly obey as my mind swims with the implications of what the hell is going on. Once beside him, Theo grips my knee softly. His touch is warm and at least some comfort, but again, my bosses don't touch me. Besides, they’re gay, right? “Don’t worry about him; he's a bit tense. We canceled the meeting. It’s not till tomorrow morning.” Theo reassures me, still rubbing my knee. I nod in understanding, but all I want is to get out of this room. I can't believe I slept all day on my boss’s couch. How embarrassing. God, I hope I didn’t talk in my sleep or fart. Oh my god, what if I did? I suddenly wish the floor could open up and swallow me. “Here,” says Tobias, dropping the styrofoam food carton in front of me before placing another in front of Theo. I want to tell them I’m fine but am cut off by Tobias’ deadly glare. Besides, how long has it been since I gorged on takeout? It’s way out of my budget. The food tempts me, threatening to break every ounce of willpower I have. “It wasn’t a choice, Imogen. Eat!” Each word is full of authority, but it also sounds like he’s daring me to disobey him. A part of me is tempted to know what might happen if I did. I’m pretty surprised Tobias hadn't just left me on the floor and continued his day. Has he ever said this much to me beyond work stuff? I do as told. I swear, I see Tobias smirk at me, obeying his demands like a child. Can this be any more awkward and embarrassing? But the food is good, and I’m starving. Maybe that’s why I fainted; between being busted eavesdropping and not eating properly for months, maybe I overwhelmed myself. When I finish eating the fried rice and satay chicken, I sit quietly, waiting to be dismissed from his office, but it never comes. Instead, Theo picks up the empty food containers and disposes of them instead of ordering me to. Tobias walks over to the cabinet next to the window and pulls out three glasses, pouring a brown liquid that kind of resembles whiskey. Turning around, he hands me one. Theo walks over and picks up his own, downing it in one mouthful. I watch Theo leave the room quietly, leaving me alone with Tobias. I suddenly want him to come back. I turn, staring at the door. My palms become sweaty. Tobias feels less intimidating with Theo in the room. I adjust my position on the couch, trying to avoid direct eye contact. What does he want with me? Is it just concern for my health, or is there something darker here? I notice Tobias watching me over the rim of his glass. I fiddle with the cup between my fingers. I dared not take a drink yet. Bringing his drink to his lips, Tobias downs every drop in one go. I sniff my drink before scrunching my nose. Whatever he has given me, it’s sweeter than vodka's scent—nothing as harsh as the vodka and tequila I'd been using for inner warmth. Bringing the glass to my lips, I down it in one mouthful, following his lead. It’s sweet and smooth. It burns a bit on the way down, but not like some of the bottles of liquor I have stored in my trunk, especially the cheaper bottles mom liked to drink. Some of those made me think I was drinking gasoline. I set the glass down, intending to get up and leave this uncomfortable silence. Tobias tips his bottle, refilling my glass back to the rim and tips his own off as well. He continues to stare at me, watching me with those dark eyes of his. I raise my brow at him, but I accept the glass. Theo returns, the door lock clicking softly behind him. He clutches various boxes of paperwork stacked four boxes high in his hands. “We are being audited, so we need all these files sorted and all contracts arranged by dates. Get comfortable; it is going to be a long night.” Tobias speaks clearly. I stare at the boxes Theo carried in, knowing it isn’t even half. Downing the glass of whiskey, I get up from the couch, take a seat on the floor and pull files from the boxes. It doesn't take me long to get a system set up as I sort them into neat piles. I don't know how much time passed. From my position, the moon is high in the sky when more takeout arrives. I guess that they ordered more food and coffee for us as we toiled. I never saw them pick up a phone to order as we work in silence beside each other. But I’m glad. I’m exhausted, and I've stared at so many words my eyes are crossing. When it comes time to close the building up at 9 PM, Tobias glances at the security guard who has stepped into the office to let us know he’s about to lock up. Considering I’m not going to have my usual bed, I’m going to have to make do here somehow. “You guys go. There isn’t much left, and I will get it done.” Tobias and Theo look unsure but eventually agree to leave. They give me a set of keys to get out of the building as well as the security code to set the alarms on my way out. When I finish the last box, I stack them neatly on top of each other before checking the time; it’s 2 am. I only have three files remaining. The floor is killing me. I get up, stretch and plop the files down on the table, and sit on the couch. The soft leather pampers me, and I cuddle up against it as I focus on my work. Getting comfy on the couch, I drag them in front of me. My eyes hurt, but I'll finish this. That has all been my plan, but the couch is too comfortable, and I pass out on the first soft thing I've gotten to sleep on for months.
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