Sabrina, the Witch

1944 Words
A smile formed on Leonel’s lips. A familiar woman is standing outside the lobby of the hotel. Her attention was on the screen of her mobile phone. Moments ago, she was in the arms of one of her botty calls. She left the woman in the hotel suite, tired and sated. “Well, well.” A frown marked Leonel’s face when the girl did not even turn her way. She acted like she did not even hear anything. Leonel cleared her throat to no avail. She sighed in irritation. “Are you deaf?” Finally, the teenager glanced her way. A bored expression was on her face. “Are you following me?” Leonel asked when the other woman did not say anything. Brown orbs stared into her eyes. The tall woman blinked at the resolute seriousness on the young woman’s face. Leonel raised her hands in submission. She followed it with a shrug. “Are you going somewhere? I have a ride.” She offered. “Baby girl, are you ready to go? Mom and Mama were settled in.” Her attention went to the tall man that approached Sabrina. She did not hear him coming. He is a man of muscled physique. He has tanned skin and has the bluest eyes that she has ever seen. If she is into men, for sure, he is the kind of guy she would come home to and spend at least two nights in a row. “Aunt Solana alright?” “She is. She’s always been very protective of you. She treats you as her own as her youngest daughter.” Sabrina nodded. “Would you like to eat before I send you home?” "I’m good. You should go back to your room. I’ll be with you in the morning.” “Sully will understand.” Leonel glared when she saw Sabrina holding the man’s hand. “I’ll be fine, Cane. I’ll call you.” “Meet us in the morning. Please, baby?” The shorter woman nods again. “I’ll call a cab.” “I’ll give her a ride.” Leonel butted in. Two sets of eyes turned to her. The blue-eyed one was full of suspicion. He stared at her like it was the first time he noticed that it was not just the two of them in the lobby. “Who are you?” “Leonel. She knew me.” The man looked at Sabrina again. “Who is she?” “Barátja, Cane.” “I didn’t know that you are friends with a w***e, baby girl. I could smell s*x and women on her.” “The f**k----” “And she has a foul mouth, too. Does Aunt Mira know about this? Did you tell mama about her?” “Testvér, brother, stop. I’m a big girl now.” The man sighed in defeat. He opened his arms and pulled Sabrina with his left hand. “I’m worried about you.” “I know. I’ll be fine. Szeretlek, Cane.” “I love you more, baby girl. Kill if you have to.” Arms cross, Leonel waited until the two were done with their mushy goodbyes. “I have my eyes on you, woman.” The man said after she let go of Sabrina. “They have CCTV here. You can use it against me in case that something happens to your baby girl.” She mouthed back. His nickname for Sabrina tasted like bile on her tongue. “The police won’t find your remains in case she got hurt.” “The threat has been killing me, asshole. I think Sabrina can decide on her own.” The man gazed at the other woman. “Sabrina?” “I know. Very original. Mom would be proud.” The man’s laughter echoed in the lobby. Leonel found no humor in it though. “I’ll get the car. Wait for me at the bay.” The tall woman said before leaving. Leonel found them waiting. The man has a wide smile on his face and it went even widen when he saw her car approaching.  There was a hint of irritation on the shorter woman’s face. “Call me, alright?” “I promised, didn’t I?” The guy opened the passenger seat. He even buckled the seatbelt for Sabrina. “Can you please open the window in her side?” The man said when their eyes met. “I have a perfectly working AC in the car.” “I know. I can smell the new interior. However, the smell of different women’s perfume mixed with the scent of the leather seats stuck inside the confinement of the car.” “What?” “I don’t want to suffocate her with your women’s scent.” “What are you, a police dog?” Fury displayed in the man’s eyes. “Cane, please.” He heaved a sigh. “Take care, alright?” “I will kill if I have to.” “Good. Szeretlek, baba.” The moment the door close, Leonel opened the window on the passenger side. She also revved the engine away from the hotel. “Your brother is a very protective man.” She uttered in the silence of the car. “He is.” “Tell me the direction to your place.” “Thank you for the ride, by the way.” “No issues. Would you like to have coffee? The night is still young.” “I have an appointment in the morning.” “Family meeting?” “More like a business meeting.” “You’re an heir?” “Something like that.” “You’re young to be included in business dealings. You’re taking up a business degree?” “I have to start early.” “You’re what, nineteen?” Leonel glanced at the woman on the passenger seat when she did not hear anything. Sabrina, on the other hand, is looking outside the window. “I’m twenty-four.” “Oh? You looked younger.” “Thank you.” “So, you have a business degree?” “Yes. Among other things.” “Well, I also have a double major in business and accounting. Quite useful for my business.” “That’s great. What do you do aside from f*****g anyone that has legs?” Leonel huffed in annoyance. “You know what? I don’t know how I put up with you. I’m not known for having patience. Since I met you, I heard nothing but negative judgement.” She spoke with annoyance. “Am I wrong?” “I didn’t say you are.” “I’m glad.” The older woman exhaled loudly. “Look, we only saw each other a few times. Can you lay low on insulting me? I’m not perfect. I’m just human.” “Be glad that you are.” “What is that supposed to mean?” “To err is human.” “And you’re quoting Alexander Pope.” “I wish I could just say, to err is human.” “No one is perfect, okay.” “Can you turn to the next exit please?” Their conversation headed to giving the direction of Sabrina’s place. Eventually, they stopped in front of a four-floor apartment in the suburbs. It has an entrance in the middle with one guard standing beside the door. He was speaking with an elderly woman. “How long have you been living here?” “A year.” “Your pay is not enough to get a condo unit in the city?” “I can buy a condominium building but prefer to live simple.” The woman answered before going out of the car. Leonel followed after turning the engine off. “Why?” “What do you mean why?” The tall woman walked beside Sabrina as they entered the reception of the apartment building. “Good evening, Janni. Is she your friend?” The male guard greeted with an engaging smile. “Hello, Johnny. How’s your son?” “He’s good. The herb that you gave me was quite useful. Thank you. He was back to school yesterday.” “I’m glad.” “Goodnight, Miss.” “Goodnight.” They made it to the stairs.  There was no conversation between them. They were heading to the third floor when Leonel turned to the other woman. “Do you live in the attic?” She was a little breathless. “I live on the fourth floor. Do you want to go back down?” Instead of voicing her answer, Leonel kept the words to herself. It would be a waste of breath. She still has a floor to go. They turned left when they reached the top floor. However, there was a commotion on one of the four doors on the right. The first door on the left opened. A tall, black woman peeked her head. “They were at it again, Janni. I’m studying for my finals.” The woman exclaimed. “I’m sorry about that. They will be done in half an hour.” The woman closed the door unsmiling. They stopped at the next door. Music can be heard from the door on the right. “This place is overcrowded.” She commented. “It’s not. Most of the people here were either single or a couple. The landlord never allowed borders of more than two in each unit. Well, unless it’s the couple’s child.” “No elevators?” “No. The elderly either rent the ground or the second floor. Mine was on the second floor but I gave it to Mrs. Mariano. She has back issues.” “A good deed, indeed.” Sabrina opened the door. The place is small. It’s a one-bedroom apartment. Aside from the chaise and one single sofa, nothing else in the living room. There was a rectangular dining table pushed beside the wall. There were three chairs. One on each side. On the far back was the equally small kitchen. Everything was in place. It was pristine despite the place being modest. “Please have a seat. I’ll put on the coffee.” Leonel pulled one of the sits on the dining table. She watched Sabrina grab the carafe and the coffee beans from the cupboard. Her eyes followed the woman when she entered one of the doors. Her attention went to the telephone by the side table when it rings. “I’m busy at the moment. Please leave a message.” The voice mail catch after the fifth ring. “Baby, it’s Cane. Are you home yet? Call me.” The closing of the door made Leonel turn away from the voice message. “Is he always like that?” She asked when she saw Sabrina. She has changed into a pair of shorts and a plain white shirt. “Yes.” The woman answered while pressing a few keys on her mobile phone. “Janni, that’s your name, right?” “Yes.” “Where did Sabrina come from?” “I’m a witch.” She chuckled at the woman’s answer. “How do you like your coffee?” “It’s Leonel. Leonel Temple. You can look me up.” “Will I be seeing good things about you aside from your womanizing activities?” Her laughter boomed in the smile apartment. By now, she is getting used to Janni’s rude remarks. “Black with a little sugar, please.” She watched the woman with a smile on her face. 
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