Chapter 7 - His office

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*Ophelia* Ophelia was still angry at the old man when they got back into the limo. Alfonse put down the tablet and looked down his glasses at her. "Are you ok sir?" Ophelia clicked her tongue. "Tch...he's such a pompous ass..." Alfonse quietly chuckled before clearing his throat. "Ah hmm, Sir. You don't have much on this afternoon, it may be a good idea to answer some emails and catch up on paperwork." Ophelia sighed. "I guess...." She looked out the window and began daydreaming. She didn't know how long she was doing it for because the next moment, Alfonse was nudging her. "Sir....Sir! We've arrived at the office!" Ophelia came to her senses and blinked. "Ah....yes. Ah hm." She clambered out of limo and straightened her suit and tie. "Let's get this next bit over and done with...then I can go home...." She stretched and cracked her neck. Alfonse pushed his glasses up his nose. "Ah sir..the elevator is this way..?" Ophelia felt sheepish as she was going the wrong way but after being corrected by Alfonse, she turned around and marched in the right direction. She could feel Alfonses' eyes staring holes in her back. She closed her eyes as she waited for the elevator, she spoke to Apollo. "I'm...I think Alfonse is starting to suspect something...he at me..." Apollo laughed. "That's just him. My human is normally a pain in the arse so he has to be on his toes. I think you are giving him a holiday ha ha ha." Ophelia groaned. "So to stop him from glaring...what..I have to tell at him or something?" Apollo laughed even harder. "Your funny little lady, I like you." The elevator door opening interupted their conversation. Ophelia opened her eyes. She mumbled so Alfonse couldn't hear. "Ok...I've got this..." She cleared her throat. "Move moron, I've got paperwork to do." Startled, Alfonse nearly jumped into the elevator, as he did as Ophelia told him to do. She sighed, wondering how anyone can go around bossing people around so much. It was quiet in the elevator until Angelos' phone rang. Ophelia answered it without looking at the screen. "What?" There came a smooth women's voice down the line. "Angelo....honey.... I'm dying to see you...." Ophelia's jaw dropped. Of course Mr money bags had a girlfriend. Ophelia gruffly replied. "Not now. Too much paperwork to do." The women whined. "You never have time for me always said I was your favourite plaything...." Ophelia shuddered. "Eww...why would I play with you!" The women began screeching so Ophelia hung up on her. Alfonse was staring again. Ophelia swore to herself. The elevator finally opened onto their office floor. Ophelia barked at Alfonse to get her a coffee and she stormed to Angelo's office. She threw his phone on the desk. "What a pig! How many other of his women will be calling me for him?" She sunk down into the big leather chair and turned on the office computer. She opened Angelos' e-mail account and decided to print the emails and bring them home. Angelo can write out a response and then she can type them up tomorrow. She clapped her hands at her clever idea. Halfway through however, Alfonse returned with her coffee. He gingerly put the cup on the desk and stepped away. Ophelia took a sip and 'ahh'ed. Alfonse looked scared. Ophelia looked at him. "What..?" Alfonse gulped. "Is your coffee, ok sir?" Ophelia looked at the coffee then back at Alfonse. "Yeah, why wouldn't it be?" Alfonse took a few steps back. "If you need anything else sir,... I'll be at my desk...." He warily left the office. Ophelia went back to printing. Once she was done, she looked at the clock. There was still an hour until she could go home. She sighed. She opened the internet browser and decided to do some window shopping online. Ophelia sipped the hot coffee. It was delicious. She pushed the intercom. A buzzing came through followed by Alfonses' voice. "Yes sir?" Ophelia smiled. "Thanks for the coffee. I could really go for a chocolate eclair right about now." She licked her lips. "Err..yes sir. Will that be all?" Ophelias smile widened. She could get used to this. "Yes that is all." Apollo startled her. "you know, if you have a sweet tooth, my human keeps a bowl of caramels in the tip desk drawer." Ophelia put her hand to her head. It was still weird for her to have another voice in her head. "I can hear your thoughts, you know. Our link is opened. I guess I haven't taught you how to close it. I find you so charming, I don't want you to block me out." He whined like an injured puppy. "Ok firstly, it's nice to know your human has such a...cute habit at work...secondly, this...way of communicating has an on and off switch?" Apollo laughed for the third time in the day. "Yes. Think of it as a phone call. Currently it is set as 'open' I have my end open and you have yours open. We can talk to each other. To 'close' the conversation you have to visualise a wall going up between us." Ophelia closed her eyes and cleared her mind. Then she pictured a wall rising from her feet. She opened one eye, then the other and called Apollo's name, but got no response. "Ohhh...." She closed her eyes again and visualised the wall sinking into the floor. "Apollo?" At his voice her eyes sprung open. "Yes my love? You did well, but please don't make a habit of doing that..." Ophelia giggled. Now she worked that out, she was eager to see what else she could do. "Slowly baby girl. I'm going to teach you one thing at a time." Again their conversation was interupted, this time by knocking at the door. "Yes?" Alfonse entered with the eclair on a delicate white plate. "Oooh...yummy!" Ophelia rubbed her hands together. Alfonse placed the plate on the desk in front of her. He stepped back. Ophelia was about to eat the eclair when she could feel Alfonse staring again. She sighed. "What is it?" Alfonse quietly asked "Are you ok, sir? You... haven't really been yourself today..." Ophelia sighed and quickly made up an excuse. "I'm just tired Alfonse. My father is still pressuring me as you seen for yourself..." Alfonse bowed his head. "I'm sorry I questioned you sir. The worries and responsibilities of becoming future Alpha are bigger than minr so I shall just take my leave. I've called for your limo to escort you home, it'll be here in ten minutes. I'll come and pick you up as usual in the morning. Have a good evening Sir." With that he left the office. Ophelia blankly looked at the closed office door and shrugged. "Ah well I have ten minutes to enjoy you my tasty treat." She picked up the eclair and took a bite and moaned. "Oooh...this is so good!" Apollo nearly made her choke however when he spoke. "That's a nice noise you made. I wish I could hear it more often " Ophelia took another bite. "Shut it Wolfie." She finished the eclair and washed her hands in the ensuite behind the office. She came back into the room, grabbed the printed out emails and put them in a Manila folder, she then grabbed Angelos phone off the desk and headed to the elevator. Waiting for the elevator, a clicking of heels came from her left. There stood a buxom red head. The first two buttons of her blouse were undone to show her shapely chest. She tousled her hair loose and fronted up stand so close to Ophelia she nearly gagged on the womens perfume. The women tried to be seductive. "Ooh... Angelo..just going home now? Can I come with?" The women grabbed Ophelia's left arm and began rubbing her breasts into it. Ophelia shuddered. "Oh great another one of his bimbos." Ophelia detached herself from the womens grasp. Then she had an evil idea. In her best impression of a womenly voice. "Ooh...sweety...I think you have the wrong idea about see...I don't 'bend' your way...the only person in my heart is Alfonse...." The door to the elevator opened. Ophelia ended her little act. "Tootles sweety. See you around the office!" She waved her fingers in goodbye and the doors to the elevator closed and she burst out laughing. "Apollo did you see her face!" Apollo started to chuckle too. "Indeed" The elevator got to the basement floor and opened. As promised the limo was waiting to take her home. The limo driver saw her and stubbed out his cigarette. "Home time now sir?" Ophelia nodded. " Ah yes." She opened the door and climbed into the limo. She went through Angelos collection of CDs that where there. "Classical music...Mozart.... Frank Sinatra even.... I'm learning new things about this guy today." She couldn't find anything interesting, so she just put on the radio. She closed her eyes while a pop song was playing in the background. She didn't know how long she had napped for untill the limo driver tapped on the window. "Ah sir....your home now...." She blinked a few times. She had made it home and was relieved that the day had come to an end.....
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