Chapter 1 - The Accident

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*Ophelia POV* "Oh god, why did I have to be late today? My paperwork has piled up. Sigh"  She flunked down on her leather chair. Her boss was breathing down her neck. They had a client who they were representing in a criminal case. And she was going to be the lead prosecutor. She had a cute rabbit bobblehead on her desk which she flicked and watched its head wobble.  Another half an hour and it was gone time she couldn't wait. She turned on her computer and answered a few emails. She again looked at the clock. "Five minutes...the boss won't notice if I go home five minutes early..?" She picked up her handbag and  tiptoed out I to the corridor. Her secretary was too busy flirting with the intern. She snuck passed her to the elevator. Once she got in she sighed in relief.  "Oh thank God!"   The elevator eventually opened into the underground garage. Ophelia had parked her Vespa in a spot close to the elevator, so she didn't have far to go.  She unbuckled her helmet and crammed it on her head. She got into her blue Vespa and took off for home.  She was about to turn right when she had to swerve for a sleek black limo. "Asshole!" She screeched.  At the same time..... *Angelo POV* He looked at his phone for the millionth time today. His father was nagging him to come for a family dinner to meet an associate's daughter to see if she was his mate. Angelo had fobbed him off all day. The old man was a pain in the ass.  Angelo didn't need a mate, he only needed himself. He built his own business and was a self made millionaire, he didn't need anything.  He turned to his assistant. "Alfonse, please send my father a message that I have a business meeting tonight and can't make it to dinner." His assistant couldn't figure out which meeting he was referring to and so he made the mistake of questioning him "Umm...which meeting is that sir?"  Angelo growled. "I don't actually have one, you i***t, I just don't want to go back to the pack to my smug old man"  "Ok....understood sir." He gulped. He wasn't going to question his boss any further.  Angelo tapped on the glass to get the drivers attention. The glass petition slid down and the driver looked in his rear view mirror. "Yes sir?"  Angelo barked directions at him.  "Change in plans. I want to go to the club on fifth St."  The driver quietly kept driving. Alfonse lost his patience. "NOW!" The driver blanched. "Uh....yes sir."  The driver sped up and ran a yellow light. Just missing a lady on a Vespa. The lady screamed out "asshole"  Angelo didn't care. He put his window down and flipped her the bird. Unfortunately they both didn't get far because at the next block was a set of lights that had turned red.  *Ophelia POV* She was sitting next to the open window as the guy in the limo flipped her the bird.  She was fuming. As soon as this light turns green, she would show him that her little Vespa will beat his stupid limo.  It didn't take long for the light to turn. The cars in front of Ophelia started moving before the limo did.  She was getting cocky that she would beat him. She stuck out her tongue at him as she took off.  She got a block away when she turned around to see how far behind her the limo was. It had caught up and it was in a hurry. She couldn't let him win so she sped up her Vespa in return. Still not watching the road Infront, a firetruck had pulled out in front of both of them. At that point time slowed down for both of them.  Ophelia had turned around too late to notice that the firetruck had stopped in thier path and she screened and closed her eyes as her Vespa made impact with the truck. She didn't get to hear the sound of the brakes of the limo either as it also collided with the firetruck.  Both Ophelia and Angelo were loaded onto seperate gurneys and hoisted into separate ambulances.  And both headed in different directions coincidently to the same hospital, but what both didn't know was that their fate had been decided years ago, and that everything would now change for them.....
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