Chapter 4 - becoming each other

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*Angelo* He flopped onto the guest bed. He was so tired. This human body was so sluggish. He rolled over and reluctantly went into the ensuite to have a shower. He looked at his new body. She had long brunette hair and brown eyes. She had double 'd' boobs, which he admired. "Hmm nice..." He looked down. She had a nice figure but she had a little extra weight and some stretch marks. " Maybe I should take her arse to my gym, have my personal trainer look after....this..."  He sighed. "And my mate?" He hit his hand against the vanity mirror before he opened the top drawer to fish a cake of soap, tooth brush and toothpaste out and went to take a shower.  Once he was clean, he stepped out and shivered at the cold draft. This feeling was new to him. As a werewolf, he had never had to worry about the temperature as his body was always naturally warm.  He put a towel around him before he realised he had nothing else to wear. He stormed out of the guest room and into his own. He startled the women, who was snuggled up in his bed.  He gave her no mind as he rifled through his draw to find something to wear. He found one of his t-shirts and boxers. They were snug on his new frame but they still fit it.  He stormed back to the guest room and laid down on the bed. He was praying that this would all go back to normal overnight and him not have to see her tomorrow, so he closed his eyes and prayed.... The following morning.... The alarm on his phone went off. Angelo yawned and stretched. He looked around and grunted. He was in the guest room which meant he was still in her body. He checked the time on his phone. It was seven am. He had a board meeting at eight to attend. He hit his forehead with the palm of his hand. She would have to attend for him! What a nightmare.  All of a sudden she came running into his room waving her phone around.  She hissed in a whisper. "It's my secretary, I need you to tell her that I'm calling in sick today! Tell her that Marcus will have to take second chair for me!"  He hissed back. "Wait what?!"  She facepalmed. She nudged the phone to him. "Tell her exactly what I say!" Angelo open palmed gestured in the air. "Fine!" Ophelia slowly said. " Hi, Christine..." Angelo repeated it. The secretary started to nag. "Hey yourself! Where are you!? Nate has been going mad that you haven't yet turned up for the pre court jury selection." Ophelia swore. Ok tell her that I've got food poisoning and I'm sorry that I can't come today." Angelo stuck out his tongue but repeated what she said. "Now tell her that Marcus can do it for her and that I will be back tomorrow for opening arguments."  Angelo didn't know what half of that meant but he spoke it word for word. The secretary sighed. "Mate probably won't be happy but get some rest and we will see you tomorrow." She hung up. Both breathed a sigh of relief. Angelo looked at her. "I did my part, now it's your turn. You need to get my arse dressed into a new suit. You have a board meeting to attend today." Ophelias jaw dropped. "What! I wouldn't know the first thing about your business!"  Angelo scoffed. "Pfft that's for sure. But don't worry, Alfonse will have everything set out and you'll have Apollo to help you. All you have to do is sit there and look pretty."  Now it was Ophelias turn to scoff. "Pfft ha ha ha."  They were interupted by Angelos phone ringing. Angelo looked at the screen. He tossed it to Ophelia.  "Tell him you'll be right down, oh and by the way, I need the keys to your place. I'm going to fetch some of your clothes. Since we will be stuck like this for a god knows how long..." Ophelia sighed. "Sure. But I better get your 'arse dressed' first ha ha." She walked away. After ten minutes she came back. "What colour tie should I wear and how do you tie them?" She brought a handfull of ties in various colours. Angelo looked at the suit she picked out. It was a navy blue pinstripe suit and the shirt she wore was place blue so he grabbed the navy tie that had pale blue dots on it. He slung it around her neck and put up the shirt collar. He deftly tied it and neatened her collar. He smugly smiled and said "I look good in this." Ophelia rolled her eyes. "write tickets on yourself much?" Angelo scowled, but then Ophelia retorted. "Don't frown you will give me wrinkles, oh and here's my apartments address."  There came a knock at the door. Angelo took a deep breath. "Remember what I said. Alfonse will lead the meeting and you will have Apollo in your head as well to help. Oh and before I have to take my phone and I'll take yours. We need to keep things in our lives as normal as possible." Ophelia skipped to answer the door. Angelo growled. Don't act like your usual self in my body! Everyone will think I'm gay!"  Ophelia only laughed. "by sweetheart, don't wait up for me." She pocketed his phone and winked to him on her way out. Angelo sat down on the couch bewildered. That women was going to be a walking disaster today, he just hoped that she won't do anything stupid at the board meeting. He sighed. He looked at the scrap of paper in his hand. He had to get out of there, his housekeeper would be there very soon to clean. So he made a cup of coffee to go, went to his safe in his wardrobe and got out some cash. He stuffed it into ophelias purse, grabbed his spare key card, stuffed then in Ophelia's handbag and then called a taxi. "How humiliating..." He wasn't used to carrying a handbag and he sure as heck wasn't going to put it over his shoulder.   He waited ten minutes and a familiar yellow car slowed down to the curb. "Are you miss Ophelia?" Angelo rolled his eyes. He had to get used to being called her name. "Yes, that is me."  He opened the back passenger door. The cab driver turned around. "Where to miss?"  Angelo read the address to the driver. He nodded put the address in his GPS and pulled away from the curb. The drive over to her apartment, Angelo decided to go through her purse. Her driver's license said her full name was Ophelia Anne Bartleby, and her birthday was in April. "Hmm interesting..." She didn't have a credit card, but she did have a bank card. "Tch...she's probably poor...." the only other thing she had in her purse was an old photo that was tattered at the edges. It had a man and a women hugging a little girl. He started at the little girl and figured out that this was a photo from Ophelia's childhood and that it was obviously precious to her. He gently put the photo back in the purse and and the purse back in the bag. He then decided to see what else this women had in her bag. There was a small makeup bag with bits and pieces in it. Some business cards, and some old receipts. He fishes right to the bottom and came up with a set of keys on a silver heart keychain.  He chuckled the keys back in the bag. The driver started to slow down. "We are at the address miss." He stopped the meter and Angelo handed him fifty dollars and told him to "keep the change." He opened the door and stepped out. In front was a tall flashy building. He went to open the glass door but it was locked. He fished out the keys. Luckily the first key he tried for the lock and he let himself in.  He looked at the scrap of paper again. "Apartment 302. Ok third floor...." To the left was an elevator to the left were stairs. He decided to take the stairs to get the layout of the building.  By the time he got to the second floor however, he was huffing and puffing. This women was not fit at all. He took some deep breaths in and out and took the stairs to the final floor. He still had Ophelia's keys in his hand as he got to the door. He tried one key it wouldn't fit the lock so he tried the second key. "God dammit how many bloody keys does this women have!?" It clicked into place and he unlocked the door. He was about to step into Ophelias home, her personal space. He did so with care and uncertainty but hope that they will swap back their bodies soon....
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