Chapter 23 - Her teasing

1217 Words

*Angelo*  Angelo was tipsy. Once he collapsed on the bed he couldn't be bothered changing clothes, so he just kicked the high heels off, and wiggled under the covers and passed out. It wasn't untill he felt the urge to pee that he finally stirred. As he moved however he had a sudden stomach cramp and bent over in pain. He moaned and crawled back under the covers again but a wet patch in middle of the bed made him jump up. He stripped back the covers and found a red patch in the bed. He screamed. "Oh no, no, NO! She could not do this to me! This is so humiliating....Apollo is going to laugh his bloody arse off! F**K!"  He heard footsteps then a half asleep Ophelia came in and leaned against the door frame with her arms crossed. Angelo, speechless pointed to the stained on the bed. Angelo

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