Chapter 18

538 Words

18 Yeren immediately started to move. She scrambled up the first few feet of the cliff face, her leathery fingers digging into the ridges of rock before her. Benyst was still on the ground, one hand moving slowly over the surface of the stone while he gazed upwards. I wanted to yell out to him, to tell him to move, to get going, but I stayed quiet. Benyst had been with me from the beginning and now, more than ever, I needed to trust his judgment. I thought back to that time, it seemed so long ago when a man with a swollen face and pockmarked skin had given me a magical piece of string. “Come on man, you gotta start moving!” Royal shouted. "I thought we were being quiet?" I asked. "Quiet ain’t getting him up that mountain,” Royal said. "You can do it, man!" “Come on Benyst, you can do

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