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As the truth had been too much to bear, I fell into another abyss of mixed torture and sadness. That time, the oblivion weren’t merciful, dreams of my past caught up with me. Memories of me being an omega in the Black fur pack. “Emer?!!!!” Emmett my younger brother cried in excitement, jumping up and down at the bottom of the staircase waiting impatiently for me. We were getting ready to attend the crowning ceremony of the younger Alpha of our pack, Lucas Holmes. Our current Alpha Finn Holmes was about to pass the reign of his leadership to his elder son. “Emer!!! Will you please hurry up? I don’t want to miss the Alpha’s entry,” Emmett groaned in frustration. I grimaced from my room – I wasn’t a big fan of the new Alpha, but I was a mere omega who was under his influence. So, it was hardly up to me to comment on whether I appreciated him or not. Besides, my parents had warned me about my straight forwardness. So, I kept my honest thoughts to myself. Not that it was easy when you were a werewolf. The higher hierarchies had access to our thoughts and private feelings which I personally felt like a dystopian state. Emersyn, will you stop it? I scolded myself. I was attending the ceremony for two main reasons. I was humoring my younger brother Em, and secondly, I had never attended a crowning ceremony before. I had to admit I was curious enough to let of my antagonism towards Lucas. We weren’t properly acquainted for me to hate him, the only thing we had in common was that we attended the same high school. I was seventeen, on the verge of turning eighteen in three months. I was super excited at the thought of my wolf awakening and everything which that entailed. Of course, it meant finding my mate. “Emersyn Lena Ward! If you don’t come down in the next second, I’m going to…” I pounced on a red-faced Emmett with sheer mischief, enjoying the fleeting second he swallowed the rest of his words. “You’re going to what?” I provoked deliberately. “Emer!” my mother scolded from the kitchen. “Will you stop tormenting the boy and take him already?” I grinned impishly. My parents had given him permission to attend the ceremony on the condition that I accompanied him, and I was taking exceptional pleasure rubbing it in his face. I loved being mean to him. “Let’s go,” he pleaded, his amber eyes flashing me with a desperate look, and all my vanity vanished. There was no one I loved more than my little brother. He was my life. I knew when teasing him had reached its limit and I would cause him actual hurt. That was the last thing I would do. “Come,” I said simply, grabbing hold of his hand and we galloped together freely in the grass, as we headed towards the main castle. We were omegas, so we lived in the servants’ headquarters, some five miles away from the royal fortress. “I just hope we’re not late because of your stupidity. What were you doing anyway? It’s not like you were making yourself pretty for the Alpha. You hate that.” I sucked in a breath. I didn’t know that my little brother had become so perceptible to such things. He was six years junior to me, and at only eleven years old, he was starting to notice many things. My chest swelled with pride for him, but I wasn’t about to let him know. I rolled my eyes playfully at him. “Downplaying your assets takes more time than prettying yourself up,” I answered enigmatically, unsure of whether he would catch on. He did. “Why would you hide your beauty Emer?” he asked in a serious tone. I was caught in confusion. How do I explain to an eleven-years-old that our new Alpha was a lecherous s****l p*****t who went after beautiful omegas only because it pleased him? I didn’t want to disillusion the little lamb. Emmett did seem to hold Lukas in a high esteem. The truth was that Alpha Lukas enjoyed deflowering young omegas for his own personal pleasure. We had a rule in the pack – no s*x was allowed for anyone before the age of eighteen. Any intimacy was only allowed after we’ve discovered our mate, but s****l intimacy or marking wasn’t considered a crime after eighteen if the mate hadn’t been discovered yet. Our dear Alpha had turned eighteen months ago, and apparently it seemed that his s****l libido was uncontrollable. Consequently, he paid regular visits to the servants’ headquarters every month to pick up his favorite unmated conquest and would keep the latter secluded in the castle for days before moving to his next prey. I had no intention of being another notch in his belt – I was saving myself for my mate. Besides, I hated the hypocrisy. The high ranked ones thought we weren’t worthy of anything other than f*cking, and it was downright insulting. Anyway, I wasn’t seventeen yet, so I was spared the torment of standing in a queue every night with my head bent and waiting for my Alpha to pick me up for one ‘lucky’ night. I was thankfully not eligible yet. “Never mind,” Emmett signed resignedly at my persistent silence, knowing that I wouldn’t answer him. His attention was diverted as we reached the gathering, and I was relieved. “You see, he’s not here yet,” I teased with a playful nudge which he impatiently shrugged off as he stared religiously ahead with a fierce frown. I sighed. Emmett was a devoted fan, there was no hope for him. My eyes roamed over the guards standing in front of the door where the Alpha would eventually appear and greet his future pack. There was quite a cavalry greeting him and it was not only for facetious display. Any mere threat would cause Beta Graham to transform into his wonderful black wolf and effortlessly snap the neck whatever enemy approached them with their incredible speed. Or allow the Gamma Henry to display his extraordinary combat skills. I sighed as I tried to get a better glimpse of them, but they were well protected behind a wall of warrior guardians and hunters. Guardians and hunters were just above omega in the werewolf pack ranking and they were dispensable. So, omegas were insignificant to the eyes of Alphas and Betas. I have personally never met Alpha Finn, or his Beta. If it wasn’t for high school, I would never have met Lucas either. Our pack had only one school, so we were all at some point known to each other, but we had different classes and teachers. Alphas didn’t think much of mingling with inferior beings like us. It was a good thing, my mother told us. Our wolves was so weak that they would never be able to match that of a Gamma, forget an Alpha. I wasn’t very concerned by my wolf – she would be weak as well. What bothered me with that bureaucratic leadership was that I was a very bright student, and I didn’t have the same opportunities as them. It was not fair to underestimate us if our wolves were weak, We had potential too. But omegas weren’t allowed to train or study the same materials as the high-ranked werewolves. Omegas were good for only one thing – submitting without protest to our superior and macho Alpha like doormats. “I can’t see anything from here,” Emmett whined plaintively, jumping up and down to take a loot at the golden door which was guarded. “It’s all because of you. I told you to get here earlier, we would have been on the front row.” “Relax,” I said insouciantly. “He’s not here yet. I will carry you on my shoulders when he arrives. You can have the aerial view,” I winked conspiratorially at him thinking that it would soothe him. Instead, he was scandalized. “Are you kidding? All my friends are here,” he whispered self-consciously. “I won’t have you carry me on your shoulders. I’m not a kid anymore. Come,” he grabbed my hand before I could say anything, and I figured that I didn’t have much choice. Blending in the mass was okay for me, but Emmett wanted to be a front row spectator today. We sneaked our way into the crowd, discreetly, ignoring the hostile glares from those already present as we passed them. We were not supposed to move once the Alpha was here, so everybody was making sure that they were already in position before the final showdown. “Emmett, stop. We’re practically in the front now,” I hissed impatiently, but my warnings went over deaf ears and I felt myself being pulled forward in a forceful grip. When had Emmett gotten so strong? As timing went, ours sucked plenty. In the exact moment Beta Graham made the official announcement of the presence of Alpha Finn and Alpha Lucas, my body stumbled forward in a rush of movement, and I fell to the ground. A loud rumble of disapproval sounded in the crowd at the murmur of outrage, and I remained unmoved in my disgraced position as fear gripped my heart. Nobody dared draw a breath as I awaited my fate. I didn’t dare raise my head yet, and I remained in the crouched position with my head bent to the ground. I wished I could warm Emmett to stay back, pretend he didn’t know me, but I curbed back my urges. The lesser I dramatize the situation, the better it would be for my survival. “Rise,” a male voice ordered, and I immediately felt my body respond to the autocratic command as it was the voice of my Alpha. Even if I didn’t have my wolf yet, I was a mere puppet when the leader of the pack was concerned. That was the thing I hated the most. But now, was definitely not the time to allow my emotions to surface. They would probably kill me for treason if they knew my thoughts. Slowly, like in a dream, I stood on my feet, my eyes pinned to the ground like it was my lifeline. I was not allowed to look in the eyes of my Alpha until he gave me his permission. Inwardly, I was glad. My eyes were unique and beautiful, and I didn’t want anyone spotting them. “Who is this insolent?” Alpha Finn asked in an annoyed voice, and I resisted the urge to fidget on my feet. Someone murmured my name in his ears along with my inferior rank, and I felt more than saw the Alpha flinch in disgust. I would have apologized but I was not allowed to speak in the presence of my Alpha unless directly addressed to. There were so many rules to remember, and I was careful not to breach any. Well not anymore. Those were the things omegas were taught at school. How to behave in front of Alphas, how to remain under their feet, while they had the better part of education. “An omega here? How dare you?” Alpha Finn growled menacingly, and I turned a pair of warning eyes towards Emmett who was coming forward. My fierce glare was enough to stop him right in the tracks, and I noted with relief that he stepped back blending into the crowd. Thankfully. But wait a second. Wait a damned second. That wasn’t how it had happened. How did I know that Emmett would come forward to rescue me? I couldn’t have seen him with my downcast eyes, I must have known somehow. Besides, I could remember Emmett saying something in my defense. I frowned. What was happening? For the moment, I was merely glad that Emmett was safe, and I kept my equanimity when I felt a finger on my chin to tip my face upwards. To my horror, it was an eerie pair of pale blue eyes which sent shivers down my spine. Evil eyes. That was what I had tagged them the first time. I frowned. I’ve never seen them before, so why did those pair of eyes seem familiar? They belonged to Alpha Lucas, and the glint which appeared in them was both maleficent and dirty. With a sinking heart, I realized that this had already happened before. Every of my memories was precise except for the Emmett part. In that other version, my little brother had stepped forward to take the blame of my insolence upon himself. My legs trembled as I remember more. I had stood in the same place to watch Alpha Lucas mercilessly snap Emmett in two pieces with his wolf paws. He’d done it so fast that I didn’t even have the time to blink. I jerked back in shock expecting to awaken from a bad dream.

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