Playing A Part

1272 Words
He thought he had got through to Melodie, made her realise sitting in this house alone with him isn't safe. Hell, sitting anywhere with him alone isn't safe. Melodie runs downstairs, clearly ready to leave, and looks around the kitchen. Jax stands glaring at her. How the hell is he meant to save her? "Where's Ethan, Jax?" Jax laughs and picks up the table and other things. "Dead. Go back to your office job, Melodie. You're no longer needed." Jax sees the flash of hurt in her eyes then fear. "He left. I wouldn't just kill him. He deserves to suffer. Why the hell did you let him in here, Melodie? With no one here to protect you?" He can't stop her. Maybe calling Lucas is his best option right now. "Because he won't do it here, Jax." Her finger points to the corner of the room. Jax looks at her in confusion as she laughs. "You see. You make out like my dad would kill you Jax but no doubt my dad has seen everything that has happened and is just waiting to see how long it takes you to man up and take what you want and tell him." Jax looks at her, confused. "You don't know. Only I did because he didn't want anyone to know. Every room has cameras in, Jax, all linked to his laptop. That first kiss, Jax, he saw it. No doubt he saw you take the earpiece out just after you pushed your fingers inside me. Ethan knows. I told him years ago about the cameras, and how I can't bring a guy back here because my dad will be watching." Jax stares at her. He is undoubtedly a dead man walking now. He stands staring at Melodie, feeling his anger rise. His phone rings, and he looks down at it. "Daddy is calling, Jax." He feels his jaw clenching as he picks up the phone. "What, Lucas?" Jax keeps his eyes on Melodie. "Why the hell did Miguel ring me saying he was one man down at a location, Jax? Apparently, you took Dexter." Jax looks at Melodie. Is this him waiting for Jax to man up and say s**t, or does he really not know? "It's for Melodie, Lucas. You said Ethan had taken a liking to her so I thought it would be safer to ensure someone was always with her, even just at a distance." Jax doesn't miss the hate in Melodie's eyes. No doubt she hates the fact he has got someone following her if he isn't. "If it is to keep Melodie safe then fine. Anything else to report? Anything else about Carlos?" Jax feels his head shaking. "No, nothing yet. I'm waiting to see if I can find a way in there." "I need to go. We're getting closer to the guy Carlos reports back to. Right now, though, it looks like Carlos is the main guy." Jax nods. That makes this whole thing even more dangerous. "Oh, and Jax? You hurt her, and I mean really hurt her, you won't walk again." He hears the phone cut off. Turning he looks at Melodie as she laughs. "God, you're such a f*****g brat, Melodie! What the f**k is wrong with your head?" He grabs his wallet off the side. "We need to leave? Are you ready?" Melodie looks down and turns, a smile coming to her face. "Why do I feel like you dressed me up to tease people Jax?" He laughs. "Because that's my plan, baby, for you tease the f**k out of Ethan, as right now he wants you. Let's get going. Tonight should be fun." Jax walks out with Melodie behind him. She's wearing a short leather skirt and waistcoat. Damn, she looks good. Even if he can't keep her, he can say she looks amazing. They sit quietly as he drives to the familiar location. He stops and turns to face her. His finger beckons her to move closer. Her body moves closer to him in the car, her eyes watch him quietly. "For my queen and to make it official for those who need to see it as official." Melodie watches as he wraps the collar around her neck. The small padlock is a symbol she is his, and only his. He watches the love flash in her eyes followed by hurt, for even she knows that when this ends, the collar will be removed. Getting out, they walk in together. Jax walks through the place with Melodie at his heels. He stops at the door and glances back at Melodie. "You're sure, 100% sure, baby, that you want to do this?" She nods in response. "Right, well, make sure you keep your hair over your ear so he won't see it." Melodie nods. She has kept the earpiece hidden for months from Ethan. She watches as Jax swipes a card and the lift opens. Stepping in, he puts in the key and hits the B button. The lift begins to move. Jax removes the key and puts it in his pocket. The lift doors open. The music is loud as they step out and the room is dark as they walk through. Melodie stops, her body freezing as she looks around. She can feel her heart racing inside her chest and the bass of the music travelling through her body. What the hell has she just walked into? She stands staring at the woman strapped to the wall with two guys in front of her. Her body jumps as Jax appears in front of her, forcing her to look at him. "Don't look at them. We are walking straight through to a smaller, quieter room. Melodie!" She nods yet her eyes can't avoid looking, her body unmoving. He stands looking at her in concern. He knew it. He knew she couldn't do this. "Is that what I need to do?" She looks at Jax, who shakes his head. "Had you agreed with Ethan then no doubt you would be, but I won't. Not a chance in hell, Melodie, would I let another guy touch you and have random people walking past watch." Melodie nods as he pulls her forward. "Melodie, if you can't do this, say now and we leave. We will find someone else with experience." She shakes her head, following him, feeling the bass of the music disappear as they go into a room. Ethan is sitting with a submissive at his feet, her head lowered. He glances up and is clearly shocked. "Well, what a shock this is." Ethan stays unmoving as they walk in. "Jax, it is lovely to see you." Evelyn walks over and hugs him smiling. "Nice to see you, Evelyn. How's the lovely Cath?" Evelyn nods back towards where Cath is clearly sitting at Evelyn's chair. "This is Melodie." Jax smiles, pulling her through, her eyes full of terror. She is going to fail this quickly. Jax sits down. Melodie moves and sits at his feet, her head resting against his leg. She is grateful, grateful she isn't needed to talk because right now she is freaking out. Sure, they are out of that room which seemed so open but this one though has windows, and each window is a room. Some are being used. "Melodie, remember what he said and fight it. Whatever has you so damn quiet, get it out of your head now." Melodie listens to Dale's words, her breathing trying to relax. She can do this. She can do what she always does and defy Jax, and just tease him.
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