Pushing Him

974 Words
"Damn you, Jax! I am not a child!" Her hands hit his back. His hand raises as he slaps her arse. "Keep going, and I swear you won't be able to sit down." He walks to his car. Throwing her in, her body moves to get back out. "Do it and I swear I will tie your legs together, Melodie." She looks at him. Nodding, she sits back. Even she isn't foolish enough to fight him right now. She can see he means it. He gets in and begins driving, her eyes watching him. "You're a bastard, Jax. Can't f**k me but won't let anyone else f**k me." Jax laughs, turning to face her. "Could f**k you and don't want to. You were just about to hop into bed with one of the guys we are looking into. Stay the f**k away, Melodie." She laughs. "I can handle myself, thanks. I don't need you fighting my corner." Jax shoots her a warning look as he turns back to the road. "Come on, Jax, just let me go back. I go every week. It has been years since you even asked me what I have done. You and Dad can't stop me. Let me out." He ignores her and carries on driving, her foot tapping as she feels her anger rise. "How's lovely Roxanne, Jax? Still shagging the one she really loves." He turns and glares at her. "Do it. I swear, Melodie. I will gag you and put you in the f*****g boot and ship you as far away from here as I can get you just so I don't have to deal with your s**t anymore. You're f*****g stupid. The fact you go there proves it, and you only mention Roxanne because she gets what you can't f*****g have." He turns back to the road. A few seconds pass in silence, and then he hears the quiet sobs and turns to look at her. Damn, he made her cry. "Don't you go crying, Melodie, I swear." She looks at him. His eyes avoid seeing her, feeling his heartbreak. "You hate me, don't you? You hate me so much you would rather stay faithful to someone you know loves someone more. Am I that repulsive?" Oh damn, he can't do this. "Melodie, no, seriously, don't f*****g cry, or I swear." She looks at him, waiting. "Or you swear what, Jax? You can't go telling my dad that a guy made me cry, can you? What are you going to do? Beat yourself up this time?" He stops outside her house and watches as she gets out. Moving, he follows her, hearing the front door slam behind them. Walking in, he goes straight to her. "You know full well you're not repulsive, Melodie. Don't go throwing that s**t around. Look at me now." Her head stays down as she shakes it. His hand reaches out and pushes her chin up to look at her, his heart breaking. "Why the hell are you doing this, Melodie? You need to forget about me." She laughs, looking at him. "I have. I gave up on you a long time ago, Jax, but you can't just leave it, can you? No, you have to step in and stop me from being happy. I don't want you. Why would I want someone so scared of love that he stays with someone who hates him?" She turns to walk away, his hand grabbing her arm and stopping her. "Stop, stop bringing my f*****g marriage into this, Melodie. Look around you. I have stayed out of your life for years, and you're still alone. Maybe you're the issue." She stands staring at him, shocked. Damn it! He shakes his head, his arms going to wrap around her. "Sorry, Melodie. Just please stop with my marriage." Her hands fight against his as she tries pushing him back. "I'm the problem. I get it, Jax. Go back to f*****g those who look like me because, let's be honest, we both know the real reason you don't want me and think I am the issue in relationships." He stands looking at her confused. She loves him, or would if he gave her a chance, and he can't risk that. "Don't play dumb. Let me guess, you saw the scar and that is how you knew it was me? See, Ethan didn't seem to mind the scar, Jax. Clearly, you and everyone else do." Jax stares at her, shocked, his head shaking as more tears fall from her eyes. It is hideous, awful. She usually hides it well. Tonight she took a risk wearing a shorter top, and Jax's words just proved to her it is repulsive. "Look at me, Melodie. Your scar is nothing. If anyone sees an issue with it, they don't deserve you. You deserve someone who will drown in all the beauty you have but also the scars and marks, and still come out unable to breathe because all they see is beauty." She nods looking at him. "And you see something that repulses you, I get it. Go back there, Jax, go get the perfect ones without any marks." She tries pushing him away, which only makes him step closer. He can't go, not while she crying, he can't. "Melodie, don't." His finger strokes along her back where the scar is. "It is f*****g perfect. You are perfect. Please stop crying and thinking you're repulsive. You're not. Hell, Melodie, I saw all the guys watching you tonight, all of them, that is how amazing you look." They all did, and Ethan was quick to get up there and offer her a place. "Don't. You being nice to me and lying will just make this worse. Just go, Jax. I don't want or need you anymore." He is going to regret this.
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