
860 Words
He finds himself laid on the bed, Melodie in his mind before it shifts to that club, that women, Candy, and how amazing she looked. His eyes close as he finds himself falling asleep. The phone rings, making him jump up and answer it. "Jax, where is Melodie?" Not this s**t again. He feels his frustration rise. "Lucas, she's at home, you know that." He can't deal with this. Lucas is part of the reason he is there so much. "Check, for God's sake, Jax, check the house and make sure she is home." Jax jumps out of bed, his body cold. "What the hell is going on Lucas?" He walks out while waiting for Lucas to reply. "Look, all I know is the woman Ethan left with again tonight has gone, nowhere to be seen. Someone called me and said he was interested in Melodie. Just check, Jax. I have a bad feeling about this." Jax feels his head nodding as he hangs up and drives quickly to her house. Stopping outside, he turns the lights off on the car. The other vehicle parked outside makes him want to run into the house shouting her name. Sitting back, he watches. He can see two figures. One is Melodie. Ten minutes later he watches as the door opens. His body tenses as he watches Ethan walk out. She didn't listen, damn her. He watches as Ethan drives off. Walking to the door, he unlocks it and walks in. Melodie jumps as he does so, looking at him in confusion. "You just had to go and f**k him, didn't you? Ignore all the warnings, Melodie. Go ahead because, clearly, you have a f*****g death wish right now." Why the hell would she just ignore everything he said? "Oh yeah, Jax. I f****d him right there on the sofa. Grow up! He was here to make sure I was okay after you dragged me out screaming, nothing more. Maybe if you weren't so jealous, you would have let me tell you that first." Jax can feel his body shaking. Melodie looks at his eyes. Damn, he is pissed off. "Your dad rang and insisted I come straight round here to check on you. Come on, Melodie. Ethan is part of this mission. Stop playing with him and stay the hell away before you disappear as well." The laughs escape her mouth before she can stop it. Her hand covering it as she does. "Hell, you have a death wish, Melodie. What will it take? You to actually see Ethan dragging a woman's lifeless body out before you believe us?" She stands up, looking at him. It wouldn't be the first time her dad has lied about a guy to keep her away from him. She knows though that Ethan is dodgy. "I pinkie promise to stay the hell out of Ethan's bed. Happy now, Jax?" She stands looking at him. He will kill her if he knew the truth. Actually, he would probably tie her up and hide her. So, for now, she will indulge him. "No, Melodie, I won't be happy until you take this seriously. It isn't a joke. Your dad should be here dealing with your s**t, not me." He needs to leave, but how can he now? "What do you expect me to do, Jax? Just believe everything you and Dad say? Remember Alan? Sweet Alan, who you two told me had been in prison for GBH? How about Jacob? Who you said has a record for beating women? All of them, who, let's be honest, Jax, were sound men. You and Dad just hated seeing me move on with my life." She hates them. Maybe if they hadn't pushed every guy away, she wouldn't still be thinking of Jax the same way. "I need to go. I have to get back to the club and see if I can see Ethan. Just promise me, please Melodie, don't give him a chance." She stands looking at him. She can see it: the love, the want and the need in his eyes, but also the fear, fear that she will get hurt. She feels her head nod silently in agreement. "Thank you, baby. Please keep the doors and windows locked. I don't know everything. If I find out, I will tell you." Jax walks out. Sitting, she listens to his car leaving. He is making this so much f*****g harder. Walking to her room, she climbs into bed. She won't quit. Ethan has been nothing but kind to her. Hell, he gave her a chance even though he knew her dad and Jax would kill him. Waking up, she walks to the office, her mind on Jax and that brief moment of pleasure he gave her. Even she knows no one could please her like he did. No one. She spends the day watching the time pass by. This job sucks. She knows it does, which is precisely why when Ethan offered her more, she jumped straight in and said hell yes. Partly because she loves the way it feels and because she needs to get closer to him.
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