Just Say Yes

1350 Words

Waking up, she hears her dad and Jax talking. Her eyes scan the room until she sees them "You!" She sits up, looking at her dad. "You are disgusting! She is your damned daughter, and you let us do that! You kept it from me and treated her like crap!" Melodie screams. This is all his fault. "Melodie, no! Her mum was my submissive after she had Emmi. The woman was crazy, slowly losing the plot. She is in a mental hospital. She told everyone Emmi was mine, and I paid her to hand the baby over to a drug cartel. When no one believed her, she tried saying I raped her, then I drugged her. Emmi isn't my daughter, Melodie, and I am shocked that you would think I would let you do that!" Jax moves to her side, his arms wrapping around her. "I'm sorry. I saw that blade, and I shot. We lost our only

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