Seeing Him

1617 Words

Walking through, they are led to a room. Walking in, Oscar is laid down. He looks better, that is something. His eyes glance at them as they step inside. Jax and Melodie watch his emotions as they flow through his body: regret, hate, apology, lust, and hunger. Melodie looks at Jax. Maybe her being here wasn't a good thing for him? They all stay quiet. Oscar's eyes try to avoid looking at Melodie. Hell, they are sending in male doctors all the time to be sure. Melodie is the first female he has seen since getting here. "I'm sorry, Jax." Oscar's words are broken. Jax walks over. Melodie watches, her body tense, unable to read him and understand what he is doing. Jax stops by Oscar, his head shaking. "I should be apologising. Years, Oscar, years you were there! I should have made sure you

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