Saving Her

1157 Words

"Jax! Jax, someone's here!" He turns the corner onto her street, hearing her whisper. "Melodie, where are you?" Where the hell is Dexter? "I'm hiding, Jax. I can hear them moving around the house. Dexter is dead." Jax feels sick. Stopping outside the house, he moves and grabs his gun. "We're two minutes away, Jax. Don't go in." Dale's voice is in his ear but like hell is he waiting. "Go get my little girl, Jax," Lucas speaks as Jax gets out, rushing towards the house. "Whereabouts are you, Melodie? And how many are there?" He needs to know. Hell, the whole team does. "My hiding spot, Jax, where I always hid. There are two. One looks like a woman, Jax." He nods. Her spot is a small cupboard in her bedroom. How the hell she still fits in there, he will never know. "I'm coming for

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