Wrong Words

1490 Words

Jax stays sitting. Twenty minutes later, Melodie walks back through. "I need to go to work, Jax. I am late as hell and can't lose the job." Jax nods and stands up. Walking out, he gets in the car and drives her. Stopping outside, she looks at him. "You're really not going to speak, Jax?" He can't. Hell, if he does, he will hurt her. "I will pick you up after." He stays facing ahead as she gets out of the car and goes into the building. Driving back to hers, he lies down, his mind on her. He can agree she is his submissive, but he will still get jealous and still think she is like everyone else he ever loved. The day passes quickly, and Jax drives to pick her up. Once again, the car is silent. When they get home, Jax points to the bag in the kitchen. "For tonight. It's different,

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