New Home

1752 Words

"You as well, Jax. Think about it. The purposely being late from missions, leaving you here to watch her for days on end. Do you think you two found each other yourself? He pushed you two together, faking he forgot her birthday so you would throw her parties and buy her presents. Sure, in the end, he panicked and realised he would lose her, but he pushed you together." Jax nods. He thought he was just an arsehole too caught up in everything to remember Melodie's birthday, he never considered it as a plan. "So, now what?" Jax looks to Oscar. He is lost right now. "You have the baby, Jax, and the wedding. Sell this place and buy a new house." Adrian looks at Jax, confused. "Why are you selling this place?" Surely they should keep it if it was her dad's? "Melodie's choice. Everyone who

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