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The drive to Pennsylvania was turning out to be a fun one. Who knew Jackson loved pop music? Specifically Katy Perry, watching him sing ET Penelope couldn’t help but giggle. Penelope was pretty sure Jackson did it for her amusement. Jackson knew Penelope was conflicted about leaving her sister when she was still in a coma, despite everyone’s urgings. Penelope was sure this is what dads were supposed to be like. Loving and caring to all of their kids. Speaking of kids, “How’s Brad?” Penelope asked turning down the music. Jackson sighed, “He’s okay I think. I don’t get to talk to him much. He should be due for a vacation soon. But I’m not sure if he will come back to the pack.” Jackson was pretty glum about his son being away from his home pack. “Why not? It’s not cause of me and Lili ri

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