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Chapter 12 Let's Get Married "What the hell is going on here" a loud voice thundered as everyone stopped in their tracks. "Sir this impudent woman is creating a scene here and has refused to leave" the secretary reported as Rowan inhaled deeply before averting his gaze to Adia. "Flora, what the hell is wrong with you?" He cursed as Flora stared at him wondering what she must have done wrong. "Sir I.." she stammered as she was speechless because she wasn't aware of what she must have done wrong. "Just shut up, do you know who the hell is she, am so sorry Miss Adia, I'll take you to Sebastian right away, and you.." he yelled pointing at a shivering flora and the security guards. "Prepare your resignation letter, you're fired, Cole I'll leave that to you," he said referring to his assis

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