Trouble calling

2440 Words

Chapter 6 Trouble calling NIA’S POV It felt like a dream when somebody dumped a whole bucket of water on me. My body went into paralysis mode as the cold bit deep into my skin. "Get up, you lazy fag!" My demon-possessed roommate yelled at me. My eyes were still closed, but I could hear giggles behind her. It's no doubt the maids from the other room. It has been my routine for the past two weeks since I started working as a maid. I have no idea how the rumors spread to the entire pack house, but everyone now knows that I am a half-breed. Everyone thinks it's intriguing to poke fun at me. It's also sad that I can't retaliate. There isn't much work around here since they have enough hands. However, the other maids make it a point of duty to make my life as miserable as it can get. I get

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