Chapter 27 (Moments)

2432 Words

Chapter 27 (Moments) Prince King’s POV Dad invited all the magical vampires for a surprise event. He looked happy. We, the five Princes, don’t know about this. Is this event really that important? Why do we need to go in the Magical Palace? Since Princess Light disappeared, we never celebrate an important event in this place that’s why I’m wondering. What’s with the King? “What’s going?” Fire asked. “Don’t ask me. Ask my father.” He just shrugged his shoulder. See? Even Fire doesn’t know about the event. We are confused. I have an idea but ugh I hope she will come back. “I think they already found the Princess.” I looked at Ice. He never failed to amuse me. We have the same feelings about the event. “Oh don’t say that. Don’t let someone assumes something possible or impossible?”  Air

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