
1490 Words

***Ron*** I find myself once again sitting across from her. She knows how much I hate coming here, yet she refuses to go to my pack house: Dam, shady ass witches. "Why are you always scowling at everyone in here?" The amusement in her voice says how much she enjoys this. "Because you witches are shady and sneaky as hell." She rolls her eyes, "Like you, wolves are never up to no good? Like now, what is it you are here for?" Growling at her. "Did you make it or not?' "Always so impatient," She leans down and picks up a small shackle next to her. Digging into it, she pulls out a small bottle. "Here, " she slides it across the table. It will only last an hour, and then you, my Cinderella, will be yourself again." Snatching it from the table, I look at it, "Only an hour?"

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