Chapter 24

1505 Words

“Have you figured out what to do about the packhouse for the Alpha conference?” I ask as we sit down to our lunch. Ever concerned with my health, David had a green salad with salmon prepared for me. It's definitely not what I'd prefer, but I have to admit that I have been growing into my now-shifted body well. “Honestly, I’ve been taking your opinion on it more seriously?” he tells me, taking a bite. My opinion? I don’t recall having any opinion on it. “I’m not sure what you’re talking about.” He grins at me wickedly, making me a little uncomfortable. “You meant it as a joke, but I’m very much considering that 'outdoor immersive experience' I believe you called it. Maybe explain it as we’re getting back to our wolf roots.” I can’t help but laugh as I look at him with a shocked

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