The a*******n

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People who have family successfully deceived them and those who didn't were deceiving themselves by participating in something about which they don't really have any idea. Every step they took, the anxiety skyrocketed. There was a dilemma whether they were doing the right thing or were stepping into something that they would regret later. Despite the thoughts, their steps proceeded in the forward direction unknowingly. The life they were living was not at all a life, at least, that is how they thought. They were in the belief that they had already hit the rock bottom and that nothing really existed anymore in the world that would hurt them more. Since they had already assumed for the worst, upon realization of what the opportunity truly is, they would either be pleased or it would lead to a minor disappointment. The more they thought about their depressive life, the more they were inclined to grab the mysterious opportunity.  A majority of people never take risks because they are afraid of what they will lose. They focus on the consequences even before the planning. They scrutinize the negative aspects without even giving a thought about the positive outcomes. The fear of failure is so dominant that they make peace with the mediocre life they are living and criticize people who are willing to take risks. It is not that they believe in not taking risks, it is their ineptitude that prevents them from making gambles. Their defense mechanism helps them to cope up by supporting what they are doing, even if it is right or wrong. Courage and discipline are the characteristics that are required for an individual to take risk and achieve success, and when I say risk it means calculated risk. On the other hand, the same people who turn down the risk, and say it is foolish, start to believe in taking risks when they take a chance for themselves. They feel proud and encourage themselves on a constant basis because they still don't possess enough courage and determination to proceed through it. The funny thing is they are not even aware of what is calculated risk and blind risk. The very thing that differentiates successful people and failures is the type of risk they are taking. In real life, when we look to buy a house, we enquire a lot. Is the house located near to the city? Are necessary facilities located closer to the locality?  The history of previous residents, if any. Is the Science of Architecture, commonly known as  Vaastu shastra, good? We enquire about neighbors. In short, we take a lot of factors into consideration before we perform something. This is also a type of risk analyzing. We are not directly owning a property on the sole reason that it is beautiful. We think about every aspect related to it, and then take a decision based on the insights that generate. A wise person has enough courage to do anything. But they don't let that courage drive them on the wrong path. Before doing anything, they study about the aspects, research, analyze and then gain insights, open to suggestions from people, who they view as knowledgeable, and then take the risk. The people who follow the said procedure will most probably taste the success because they analyzed everything, and they knew that the outcome would definitely be positive and in their favor. All they can then do is to wait. Now, this is what we call a calculated risk, and it is healthy and helps you grow as a person. Now the selected individuals who are going to participate in the " God-Knows-What " event is a blind risk. They clearly don't have any clue about it, but are willing to risk everything because of their greed for money. People are just hoping that this should not turn out to be a s**m, but hoping does not change the reality. People should realize that hard work and prayers, both are required, not just the prayers. If you are not working for your betterment, why would God will spoil you by granting you your desire? There are lot many individuals out there who work hard, and who deserve success. In the present scenario, people are betting their lives on assumptions. We can also term it as a fluke because, there are only two outcomes for anything, success or failure, win or lose, profit or loss, life, and death. The individuals are betting on success, winning, and profit, but overlooking failure, defeat, and loss. People should stop seeing failure as an opposite to success, but as a driving force to success. ' Failure is the stepping stone to success. " When a person fails, they doesn't become a failure. If they don't bounce back, if they accept the defeat and feel disappointed, if they give up, if they don't learn from their mistakes, then they are called failures or losers. Therefore, this is the kind of attitude that people should avoid as it can destroy their lives. Risk calculation is not an easy task, it involves a lot of variables that need to be continuously monitored and analyzed, by doing this we can control the factors that help us in overcoming the risk and achieving greatness. Once if you do research, there is nothing left to surprise you. Even though, you are taking risk, you are still in control of everything.  Zain decided not to think anymore and just get on with it, because the more he thought it, the more confusion it created for him. His skepticism was preventing him from going forward, but he did not have any other choice. It was a risk that he needs to take no matter what the consequences are. A few hours would decide whether he made the right decision or not. He was prepared either way.                                                                                 ----*---- Luckily, John's pickup location was a bit closer compared to others. It was long if he had to walk for it, but it is manageable. He did not want to waste the money, so he started early and walked all the way. It took him almost 45 minutes to get to the location. It was a deserted street which kind of looked like outskirts. There was an abandoned bus stop, where he could see a female standing whose face was almost covered with a scarf. As soon as she saw John, she was alarmed. As John started to walk towards the bus stop, the maps said, ' You have reached your destination. ' Firstly, John thought that bus stop is the intended location but the maps were not so accurate, but then he started to think what if this was the current position and that woman over there is also a person like him who got invited to the opportunity. He decided to remain in that exact position. Since the call mentioned that one should not interact with others, distinct waiting points seemed made sense. In this way, they can avoid conversation without feeling awkward.                                                                                 ----*---- Elly, before going to the pickup location, visited her friend Nita to meet her before leaving. In this cruel world, Nita has always been so kind and helpful. Though Elly did not like to be helped, she felt good that there is a person who truly cares for her well-being, which is rare these days. Also, Elly always helps Nita with her studies. And that is how their friendship began in the first place. When Elly showed up at Nita's house unannounced, Nita was both surprised and happy. Elly was not known for surprising people, but she definitely surprised Nita with her visit. ' What are you doing here at this time, Elly? Not that I don't want to see you, ' winked Nita. ' Well, I just wanted to meet you once before I leave the city for a few days. ' ' Leave? Where are you going? ' ' I got an opportunity, but I am still working on it. Just know that if it works out, then it would turn our lives around. ' ' I believe in you, Elly. I don't know about others, but if you put your mind to it, then you will grab it for sure. ' ' Thank you, Nita. And I told my parents that I would be staying with you for a few days, so cover for me until I return. ' Saying that she handed over her luggage full of clothes that she bought from her home. ' Keep it with you, until I return. ' ' I know that you will always make the right decision, but I need to ask, ' Where are you going? ' ' Have faith in me, Nita. I cannot tell you anything now. ' ' Alright then, so before going, would you like to explain to me one topic, just like old times? ' ' Shoot it. ' ' How do you protect yourself from a snake? ' ' Seriously? Why? ' ' We spotted a snake in my backyard yesterday and everyone was terrified and none of us knew what to do. It was hell. ' ' You could have just searched for it on the web. ' ' Come on, now. Educate me. ' Elly searched on the web immediately and explained to her a few steps that she read on the web and told her goodbyes.                                                                                 ----*---- Jackson aimlessly walked towards his stop. The only thing that he could think about was Aaron. He did not think even once about the opportunity, the very reason he was leaving his brother alone. When he finally reached his stop, there were around 3 people already standing at distinct positions. At first, Jackson thought they were just people wandering in that area, but they remained in their exact position for a long time that Jackson suspected if they were also like him, waiting for the pickup. Exactly according to the time communicated in the call, a black van arrived. Jackson was the first man standing in the line and the van slowly came to him and halted. The driver rolled down the window and said, ' What is your name? ' ' Jackson Junior, ' replied Jackson with utmost sincerity. ' The door of the passenger seats opened as soon as he said his name. The driver did not speak anything other than asking for the name. His face was half-concealed with a mask on which a skull was imprinted, and his goggles covered the other half. Also, the interior of the car was deprived of light because of which Jackson could not see the face of the driver. The van accelerated and stopped in front of the next person in line and the process repeated. When all the three were picked up, they were a bit relieved because they understood that they are not alone in whatever this is. They began to feel confident now which was evident in their faces but none of them talked to each other as they were afraid to do anything that might violate the instructions. The instructions said do not talk to each other at the stop, but it was not mentioned if they should remain silent in the van too. None of them were willing to take the risk. So they drove in silence.                                                                                ----*---- On the other hand, Zain was alone in the van. The driver's appearance was similar to that of Jackson's but the van's color was navy blue. The suspicions of Zain started to surge because all this setup looked like he was being kidnapped. He implanted a little tracker in his left hand, just in case. The old house that he was living in had a storeroom in which he used to work on products, and that is where he found his tracker. An hour passed, but Zain decided to stay awake and attentive and he was memorizing the path they were traveling in along with some landmarks.                                                                                 ----*---- ' What is your name? ' ' John Lee. ' The doors opened and there were five people inside already. He smiled awkwardly. Few of them returned a confusing smile and the rest ignored him. Four of the five members were females which made him shy. He got onto the car with his face facing the ground. Despite being six people, there was utter silence, no one was willing to talk. John wanted to but remained silent because he was afraid that the rest were also not initiating the conversation. He thought that it might be a rule he missed. At that moment, he understood that, in the noisy world, everyone searches for peace, but absolute silence is deadly. John could hear his heartbeat and the more he focused on it, the faster it became. For some reason, he was acting claustrophobic. The closed space was making it difficult for him to breathe. Everyone noticed that he was having a problem but one of the females opened the window allowing the free flow of air. The fresh air definitely helped him calm down but the attempt by a stranger made him more happier.                                                                         ----*---- Elly, when she reached the pickup point, it was completely empty. Her friend dropped her at the pickup point and upon insisting she left. Elly was alone. Even street dogs were not present. She started to shiver because of the surroundings. For a moment she felt like it is better to leave, but she waited. She took deep breaths to calm herself down and after a few minutes, she started to feel better. The pickup point was just a path connected to the main road on which she traveled n number of times, but she never went on the connection path. If something bad is about to happen, then I can run to the main road which I am familiar with, she said to herself. Her luck was not that good that day because she started to shiver again when she saw a male in the region she was standing at. He looked at her from afar but did not come closer. Then he disappeared for a while. Elly was now looking at her surroundings keenly on a lookout for that male. And suddenly she spotted him again, but now he was a bit closer. Elly's heart started to pound again. It was like he was approaching in the direction she was standing in, but she didn't feel like he was approaching her. When he came sufficiently closer to her, he said, ' How are you doing, baby? ' Elly ignored him and stood firmly as if she was not threatened by him. The man walked away and stood at a few paces from Elly. When a van arrived after a while, Elly was both relieved and tensed. She was relieved because the pickup came as per the time and that she was not alone anymore and she was tensed because what if the van and the guy beside her were a team and they were planning something immoral. The driver asked for the names and both of them got inside. The man could sense that she was threatened by him. ' Do not worry baby girl, I won't touch you without your consent. ' Elly did not know how to take that comment. She sat closer to the window and away from him. After a few hours, when Elly looked out of the window, she spotted many vans similar to the ones in which she was traveling. Whatever this is, it definitely seems like a large thing, she thought. They were being taken to a dock. After entering the harbor, the vans grouped together and halted at a place. The doors remained locked and everyone was eagerly waiting inside and watching the surroundings.                                                                                 ----*---- Zain's suspicions finally ended when he saw a plethora of vans entering the dock. It was not a conspiracy anymore, at least against him. A sense of satisfaction refreshed him. When the doors finally opened, Zain jumped out immediately. He felt like he came out of prison. People started getting out of the vans. They exchanged glances and returned smiles but none of them talked. By now, the fear turned into a rule. So most of them chose to remain silent.  A bus arrived thereafter, and another person with a white mask covering his whole face was standing at the entry door. He was calling out names and taking a count of the people. Jackson boarded the bus and it looked so lavish inside. In fact, he never boarded a luxurious bus like that in his life. Maybe this is how it feels like to be rich, he thought. Up till this point, he was glad that he overcame his delusions and moved forward with the opportunity. The stress and hopelessness finally faded away from the people's faces after witnessing the treatment they were being given. Elly, as soon as she reached the port, and door got unlocked, she got off of the car and boarded the bus, and sat beside another lady. Seeing many people relieved her. The man with whom she shared the van entered the bus, and his mere sight alarmed her. She never felt so uncomfortable in her life apart from the educator's incident, as she was feeling now. He maintained eye contact with her as he passed, but did not comment anything weird. Elly was so focused on other stuff that she totally forgot how hungry she was. The moment she realized that she was starving, she could not control it anymore. And if she travels on the bus with an empty stomach, it would be a disaster. She prayed that somehow her hunger should be subsided. Just as she prayed, a man with a white mask, same as the one who took a count, appeared with a bag that consisted of sandwiches. He started handing out a sandwich to all the passengers, and some of the people asked for two, and the man in the mask provided without even saying a word. Elly, who was basically an introvert asked for three sandwiches. She would never do that, but she was so hungry somehow. Anyways, she was given three sandwiches without any hesitance. She peacefully ate her sandwiches, and then a water bottle was also provided to everyone, soon after which, she drifted into sleep. The people who were even afraid to close their eyes for a second when they were in the van, were now enjoying the pleasantries and the hospitality. That's how naïve people are when they are desperate. They believe in people who act good, without even wondering if it is real or just a façade with some ulterior motives. We fail to see through people. It is not that trusting itself is bad, but the amount of trust that you put in a person should be restricted in a way that when their mask finally comes off, there should be nothing for us to regret the trust that we out on them. By doing this, we are free from trust issues while living trouble-free lives. The warmth from the strangers eliminated all the previous assumptions that they created in their minds thereby making their reasoning narrow. This would be the last moment that they will be enjoying because what comes ahead would shake them down to their core, and there is no way out.
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