
1476 Words

     First, Mary took him to get fresh clothes. Dodd had left most of his stuff I. Vegas, he didn't know he'd be spending this much time. The colonel hadn't hinted to him what it was all about and he had not asked.  She made him buy T-shirts and a couple of three quarter shorts, this she insisted on saying he had nice legs and he needed to flaunt them more often. "What's the use of having a great body if you are not gonna flaunt it" she had said. So he acquiesced to her demands and let5 her pick his clothes. He was usually picky about what he wore, but this woman most times left him speechless. Hell, he felt almost tongue tied when around her, like some teen.     When they had finished shopping, she pleaded with him to take her to a place where she could get groceries, "I really haven't

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