Chapter 79

1514 Words

The next moment, Augustus held her wrist tightly. “You dare f*****g play Me.!” Augustus twisted her wrist too hard, she frowned in pain and tears welled up in her eyes. “No, No I didn’t. My name is Lisa Rose. I am not lying sir.” She said politely trying to not make him angrier. Augustus still twisted her wrist with force and after a while he threw her away and yelled, “Get out” Lisa Rose was scared but still she didn’t leave. She stood a little far from Augustus and then asked him softly, “Is her name is also Lisa?” Augustus frowned and looked up at her. “I said get out” Augustus said through gritted teeth. ”You’re not fine. You want someone to accompany you. You are looking for someone to hold.” Lisa Rose continued talking ignoring his cold attitude. Augustus angrily pulled away hi

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