Chapter 19

1608 Words

Lisa was hesitating, just then Augustus held her wrist and pulled her to sofa. Lisa got panicked and asked, “What are you doing.?” Augustus touched her forehead and then held her left arm to see the swelling because of injection. Lisa frowned, when he touched the swelling wound. Augustus got frustrated and he spoke in a serious tone, “Which Bastard dare to inject you? Tell me..!” He demanded. Lisa got frightened by seeing him so furious, she has never seen him like that before. She can see his veins bulging on his forehead. She lowered her head and didn’t dare to say anything. Looking her quietly sitting, Augustus got more frustrated. He stood up and walked back and forth and rubbed his temples to calm himself. After a while, he said “The man who injected you, wanted to r**e you. Do y

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