Besides, Sagara sir didn't just scold r****h sir that day... he scolded Madhu's sister and Aravinda as well. As soon as r****h scolded sir, he started to burn himself...Nuro, don't try to dance with yourself... I am your subconscious. I know when you turn around.. there is something here.. Whatever you do, be careful...' Nuraya's subconscious answer was very sharp. complicated Nuraya thought that it was an answer that should be debated once again and a committee report should be obtained. "A.. p.. first love?" Although the arguments that came from the mind felt like they lasted for a long time, they were only quick arguments that occurred for about five seconds. Nuraya soon continued the conversation with Mr. Sagara after that. "Yes, first love.. I don't have the right to tell r****h's