2:It’s not over, star student

1493 Words
XENIA There was nothing amusing in his eyes, just dark seething anger. How much of a loser must he be to be this angry because I solved an equation he couldn't solve? But then, thinking about it again. He went ballistic last year when I came first place in the League of Scholars last year. That was the reason why he hated me, why he pulled the stunt he pulled in the hallway, why he doesn't want me in his school. I cowered when I remembered how he treated me earlier and I felt my body freeze up at the intense hatred in his eyes. Everything in me just wanted to put all these behind me but I know bullies like him. They only prey on the ones weaker than them. If I wanted him to leave me alone, I should prove that I wasn’t one of the weak ones. "Excuse me, was that a mistake?" I narrowed my eyes at him and the sight seemed to infuriate him more. He looked like he was torn between bashing my head against the wall or simply yanking my heart out of my chest. That thought made my heartbeat pick up in a terrible way. "It wasn't," he perched on my table, making himself comfortable, “I warned you earlier but I guess my warnings fell on a deaf ear. You just made a mistake,” he deadpanned. "One that you'd get on your knees and apologize for.” "Mistake?" I asked, genuinely confused. And what? Get on my knees and apologize for? Has a screw finally gone loose in his head? "I'm just going to explain this once, so listen carefully. You're a measly human and your kind shouldn't even be allowed to walk in front of this school, not to talk of attending this school. And I might have allowed you to get away with what you did at the League of Scholars because I was a stranger there but I'm not going to overlook you disrespecting me in the school where I run. It's your first day so you don't know better. That's why I'm going to give you a chance to apologize for your mistakes." "Don't tell me this so-called mistake is the fact that I answered a question that you got wrong?" The deafening silence confirmed that I was right. I looked around the classroom, at the few students still around and making a show of what was happening. I was expecting the laughter, the claps, the secret cameras and for someone to just yell out that this is a prank because, surely, this must be a prank. Some sort of demented welcome party. That didn't happen. He was serious. The Alpha Prince was so much of a prick that he was losing his mind because I solved the equation he couldn't solve. "Are you a child?" I started calmly and there was an audible gasp in the class. Matteo's eyes twitched but his expression didn't falter. "Because you're acting like one. I know you nearly lost your mind when I won over you last year but that's even understandable because it was a big competition but this? It's just a classroom's question for f u c k's sake! Why are you throwing a tantrum like a child?" I stood to my feet and stared at him dead in the eyes, "If you're that much of a big loser and you don't want people solving questions you get wrong, then you should spend more time reading instead of flexing your muscles and acting like a fake prince." That seemed to hit a nerve because his eyes darkened completely. It looked like a dark stormy night and I wasn't the one to exaggerate but I felt venom oozing out of his body, wrapping itself around my body, my neck especially and choking me. My breath ceased for a second and I must have started to choke when I suddenly felt at ease again. It lasted for just a moment though but a strong hand clamped over my shoulders and pushed me with so much force to the ground. My knees hit the floor with a thud and pain spread all over my body. I was now kneeling right in front of Matteo who was still sitting on my table like it was a self-made throne. Someone... one of his minions had pushed me to my knees. "Good! Now, you look better on your knees. This is the right position, don't you think? Trash and nonentities like you should be on your knees when you talk to me." Is this fucker for real? I started to stand up but the hand on my shoulders held me in place and it was futile to struggle against his strenght. I was on my knees in front of him. The students in the class already had their phones out and were recording. I couldn't even get started on how humiliating it was to be put in this position. "You should apologize now if you don't want to get ridiculed even more." "All these because I solved an equation you got wrong? You're the definition of a real loser. I think the dictionary should change the word loser to Matteo..." I didn't get to complete that statement because a force that made my head jerk to the sides hit my face and I developed an instant head-splitting migraine. Tears pooled in my eyes from the force of the slap and my mouth dropped open at the fact that it happened. I was... Was I being bullied? "Ohhh, star student, are you about to start crying?" Matteo mocked from where he was sitting while his minions did all the dirty jobs, "We haven't even started yet. Or are you going to apologize now?" I should swallow my pride and apologize. I was new to this school, to this dynamics. I should apologize first, get myself out of here and re-strategize after studying how things are like here. But I was too annoyed, too pissed off by his audacity that opening my mouth to apologize felt like committing a mortal sin. I couldn't. I wouldn't. I'd gather chew sand than do that. "I've done nothing to apologize for, and you'll eventually tire after asserting how powerful you are by picking on someone that's way weaker than you are." "Looks like you have a death wish," he grinned, "and luckily for you, I'm going to grant your wish. Trash her." I was still at a loss for what he meant by the last statement when I felt something being emptied on my head, then another, then another. I felt slimy things on my face, my lips, my uniform, and my body. They were emptying the trash cans on my head and I was utterly appalled and disgusted. "Still not in the mood to apologize?" "Go to hell, Matteo." "Good," he grinned at his minions, "move to the next stage, please." This next stage was a blow to my back, it forced me to the ground and I saw the next one coming for my face… "Stop." The voice was loud and commanding. I could sense some alpha energy behind it and the blow stopped just a couple of inches away from my face. "If you're not going to make the party better, then you don't have a right to ask them to stop," that was Matteo to whoever my savior was and even though his voice was calm and collected, I could sense the silent seething rage in them. "The homeroom teacher is headed towards here. If this gets out, I'm not sure your father will like it." Matteo muttered a string of inaudible curse words before he stood up from the table and he bent to my level. Up close, I could see his face clearly and his clear cutout features made my breath catch in my throat. Black hair, and red eyes that complimented his red lips that looked bloody and gave him an eerie look of a scorned God. He looked like he was woven from all the bad things. His fingers grazed my face and I swallowed at the coldness of his touch. It was a huge contrast to the blazing fire in his eyes; one that looked hot enough to cook me alive. "You know what I hate the most? Humans,” he spat out. The word “humans” came out with a vicious tone that made insides freeze. His tone matched the look in his eyes and even though everything in me wanted to look away from what seemed like a fiery furnance in his eyes, I couldn't. “And you know what I hate more than that? Miserable humans who don't know their place. That's exactly what you are and I'm more than willing to teach you.” Then he moved away from me. “It’s not over, star student.”
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