4 - Auction Sponsa

1668 Words
It took a moment for me to process what he said before my head snapped to him, my mouth agape. There were hushed whispers that washed over the crowd, getting louder with every moment; the sound felt like it was closing in on me. “What?” I demanded. My Uncle stepped forward, his voice booming as he pretended to whisper to me, “We’ve talked about this, Katerina. Your Dad decided to put me in charge. I thought you accepted that you’re here as a show of support.” He took my arm lovingly, and I yanked it back, taking a stumbling step away. “He said nothing of the sort,” I seethed. The crowd seemed to hold its breath. Cletus stepped forward, wringing his hands. “I was there as a witness,” he said, his voice loud but still shaky. “On his death bed, it was his final wish,” he addressed the crowd with more confidence now. “No,” I breathed. “No,” I demanded. “I know it’s hard to accept,” My Uncle said again, pity in his eyes as if he believed these lies. “I thought you were past this,” he repeated. "You want what's best for the pack just as I do-" “You’re lying,” I spat, anger hardened my voice. My uncle sighed and motioned to someone. The doctor stepped forward, his eyes dancing everywhere, never settling. “Was there anyone else that can attest to my dear brother's last wishes?” my uncle asked him. “Uh, no,” the doctor said, shaking his head. “You three were the only ones there when he died. I wasn’t even in the room.” “And Cletus, my brother's most trusted advisor, can attest to his last wish of giving me the pack?” My uncle turned to Cletus. “Y-yes.” Cletus stood as tall as he could. “I can attest that he wished were for the pack to go to you, Johnny.” Johnny, I hated that. His full name was John; why would a grown man elongate his name? It only fueled my rage. “How do we know he was in his right mind?” Someone from the audience shouted; I looked down to see Penelope making her way past the crowd so she stood apart from them, determination set on her dark features. My uncle looked at the doctor, who glanced at Penelope. “He was in his right mind. He was often tired, sleeping, but when he was awake, he didn’t show signs of mental deterioration.” The doctor seemed almost sad to share that. My mind was racing. Who was all in on this? Was it anyone past my uncle and f.ucking Cletus? How long have they been plotting this? “We cannot have a pack without a leader; all of our allies have come this far. Let’s not let it be for nothing,” My uncle said, opening his eyes. “Let this be a joyus day.” A few murmurs skittered through the crowd, but I was unsure what was being said; I was fighting a swell of dizziness, and my hands were clammy. Cletus stepped forward and held the chalice to my uncle. The last of my usually careful composure cracked. “No!” I screamed, lunging for it; My Uncle grabbed me by my elbow. “Detain her,” he commanded. The warriors positioned on the steps were unsure of what to do. “I will be your Alpha in a matter of minutes. I command you to keep my niece safe; she is a danger to herself.” A few warriors started to walk slowly toward me. “Let go of me.” I kicked my uncle's skin, and he yelped, loosening his grip. I turned on my heel up the stairs, but I heard the unsure steps of warriors following me. When I was out of sight of the crowd, I ran to my room, locking the door behind me. I didn’t know how to feel. I wanted to cry and scream and throw something. I couldn’t comprehend what was happening, how it happened. Would the pack actually let him take the title? They knew I was the heir. I knew beyond a doubt that my father never passed the title to my uncle. At least in the haze of the past few days, I knew that to be true. There was no way this was real. I couldn't process even a sliver of it. But I knew I needed to collect myself and take my title. Convince them to put it off, to hold it to a vote, give it to my dad’s Beta for a while until it was sorted. I unlocked the door and tried to open it, but it was barred from the other side. I kicked it and screamed for anyone to help me, but no one came. My wolf whined in my head, then let out a long, sorrowful howl. I felt something wrong itself. It was cold and made my skin crawl. That’s when I knew they gave my uncle my title. ___ Penelope burst through the door, looking almost disheveled. Her face didn’t soften when she saw me crumpled on the floor; the dark fabric of my dress pooled around me. “What happened?” Penelope demanded, and I shook my head. “What happened?” I repeated her question back to her hollowly. “I don’t understand; that’s simply not true,” she said more as a statement than a question. “How did everyone react?” I was suddenly nervous as if my pack betrayed me even though they were tricked into believing it was their beloved Alpha’s wish. She looked as if she were choosing the correct word. “Hesitant,” she responded. “Everyone was quiet, but it just it felt wrong. I knew I wasn’t the only one.” “B.astard,” I mumbled. “And the betrothal?” she asked slowly. I blinked. Was my uncle getting married? Claiming a Luna and making new heirs would be a way to solidify his stolen title. I pulled myself up. Penelope took my hands and said slowly, “Kiki, they’re saying your uncle has arranged an alliance for you to Red Falls.” I snorted; it was a mix of a laugh and a cry of disbelief. “Alpha Perry is like fifty,” I said, “He’s a f.ucking creep.” I couldn’t tell if this was funny or not. “You’re twenty-five and unmated,” Penelope reminded me. My mouth hung open. “Those are dated rules,” I said in shock. “Still binding,” she replied slowly. Twenty-five was the age at Blue Moon that the title was traditionally passed. It was also the year that, in the very distant past, ranked members would use their daughters as alliances if they hadn’t found their mate in the seven years since they got their wolf at eighteen. Apparently, it was honorable for the daughters, and the thought was that if they didn’t find their mate yet, especially as ranked children intermingling with other packs frequently, then it was presumed it wouldn’t happen. “It would technically be in your uncle's right,” Penelope said, looking horror-struck. “He wouldn’t-” I started, but he just somehow looped himself into taking over my title. I wouldn’t put anything past him. “Why Perry?” I asked. Then it hit me. The pack names on the list and the notes under them of assets were promises from other Alphas of what they would give my uncle in exchange for me. Were other Alphas in on this? Did he send some mass message asking for some reverse dowery in exchange for me? Or did he lie to them, too? How long had my uncle been planning on taking my title? Penelope sat on the floor across from me, grasping my hands tighter; her already impossibly large eyes widened. “We have to get you out of here.” I shook my head. “Where would I go?” This was my home, and I would not go into hiding. I would fight somehow, I just needed a few minutes, a few day maybe to get my head straight come up with a plan. I knew I had allies both in this pack and others. “My aunt met her mate across the country at The Royals Pack, Crescent Moon. It’s more urban than we’re used to, but she really enjoys it. I'm sure she would take you in. You could start again-” “No,” I cut her off. Thoughts of archaic rituals were swirling around my mind. “Has it been officially announced?” I asked. “My betrothal.” The word tasted like ash. Her dark brows pulled together, and she shook her head slightly. “Not that I know of; I just overheard Alpha Perry. I wanted to get to you as soon as I could, but I needed to figure out what was going on first to have something to tell you.” What was it that my uncle got from that deal? I tried to recall the paper, but I didn’t think I read his name on it; I only glanced at it. “Who was he with?” I asked. “A few of his advisors, I think, and his youngest daughter. She looked pretty shaken, actually.” She chewed on her lip. I nodded. “Probably part of the deal then,” I mused, standing up. “Help me look like a person again, please. If that’s even possible.” I reached down to pull her up. “What are you thinking?” she asked, studying me slowly. “We don’t want to miss dinner.” I shrugged, smiling brightly. “I have to invoke auction sponsa.”
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