Meet Hardin Castillo

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Closing my eyes, I was trying to get some sleep but the noises from the two annoying teenagers in the room wouldn't let me to I sighed in frustration Can't you guys find something doing? I growled in a deep menacing voice and they both chuckled Calm down Jay, what is itching you? Sam , a short blond haired boy asked I think he is angry because Anne turned him down yesterday. Dan , a chubby boy butted in and I scoffed She didn't turn me down, it was time for roll call . I corrected with an eye roll Oh yeah! I bet you are still angry you weren't able to screw her yesterday. Dan continued and I huffed Shut up! I barked But did you guys notice the new girl got really big boobs. Sam said , staring at me and I scoffed So? What do you expect me to do about it! I retorted in a huff and he smirked I know how much you love girls with big boobs! Even so , I don't do thieves . I stated and they both exchanged looks Are you trying to say the girl is here because of theft? Sam asked to be sure and I nodded Not just theft , robbery and burglary. I corrected and they both gasped in shock But how do you know about it? Sam probed and I smirked Simple! I overheard the head warder telling the counsellor about it !! Omooo! She look so calm to be a chronic thief . Dan remarked and we all laughed but mine was a laughter filled with pain ...... You can't judge her by her looks . I muttered softly and Dan nodded he was about to say something when we heard the rustling sound of a key a warder is here! Sam announced and they both closed their eyes, faking a sleep I smiled lightly I wasn't scared of any f*****g warder so I had no need to pretend!! The warder walked into the room with a straight face holding a metal baton Jayden Winthrop! he called , fixing his gaze on me Yes. I answered without making a move to get off the bed and he scoffed I can see you haven't learnt your lesson! What is it man? I asked rudely and he clutched his fist tightly, I could tell he was getting angry The chief correctional officer needs to see you .he answered and I went stiff Chief correctional officer! Why did he want to see me? Did anyone make a complaint about me again? I wondered Come along with all of your belongings . he added and I sat up on the bed in surprise All of my belongings!Why! Did I do anything wrong! I asked in a rush No, you didn't do anything wrong. he answered with a surprisingly calm voice Then why all my belongings , or am I going to be executed?i continued and he chuckled You are so funny Jay! Just do as I say and don't keep me waiting......... I dragged my self out of the bed and then threw the few clothes and books I have into my back pack Oh jay! It seems they are taking you to another room . Dan said , sitting up on the bed but I ignored him I was lost in my own thoughts and could not even think straight You will need to Change those clothes you are putting on. The warder informed I looked at the prison uniform I was putting on and then back at him. Why? I asked softly and he huffed You ask too many questions Jayden , just do as you are told And without asking any more questions , I pulled off the prison clothes and hurriedly dressed up in a black polo and blue jean ......... I wonder why a little kid like you got so many inks on his chest . The warder drawled but I chose to ignore him No wonder your mum never came to see you for once , I bet she is ashamed of you . he added and I froze What did you just say? I managed to ask , breathing hard. I said your mother must be ashamed of you. he repeated and my eyes grew wide in anger And in a flash , I picked up a mug from the table and was about throwing it at him when Dan jolted out from the bed to hold my hands No Jayden! You can't do this now. he pleaded and I scoffed Get away from me , I need to teach this motherfucker a lesson. I yelled, trying to wriggle out from his grip but Sam joined him and they both held me tightly It is obvious you are crazy Jayden. The warder spit out and I laughed loudly Of course I am! Pray I don't get to you if not I will kill you . I threatened and Sam pinched me hard Stop it Jay! Do you want to stay in this damn prison forever! When will you learn that only a good character can get you out of here? he yelled and I became a bit calm You have been to the torture room more than six times in three days because of this same anger issues, you really need learn how to let go of some things! I was quiet for a while and then sighed Let go of me! I said softly and they both exchanged look Do you promise not to do any thing crazy? Dan asked and I smirked Just let go of me! I barked and they did Good! Straightening my clothes , I picked up my backpack and then faced the warder who was staring at me as if I was some crazy kid Can we go now? I asked he stared at me for a while and then smiled lightly Let's go!!! I nodded at my roommates and then left the prison room with the warder!!! * We passed through the girls prison house and I looked around trying to get a sight of Anne but I didn't see her Jayden! Jayden! I heard some girls call my name and I smiled lightly, even in the prison I am still Popular among girls But where is Anne? I guess she might be at the counsellor office Just then, I heard a familiar voice call me and I looked in the direction to see Anne coming from an opposite direction.... I stopped on the spot , She was dressed up in the prison sport wear and looked kinda pale Why did you stop , let us go . The warder said , tugging at my polo and I shifted my gaze to him Can I please talk to Anne for a minute? I pleaded , expecting him to flare up but to my surprise, he agreed Just a minute! he repeated and I nodded I rushed to Anne and she wrapped her hands tightly around me I chuckled nervously and pulled out from the hug What is wrong with you? Are you alright? I asked in a rush and she nodded It is only a slight fever and I just completed a drip . She assured and I smiled lightly But where are you going? She asked , staring at my back bag I don't know. I answered her truthfully and to my surprise, she broke down in tears Are you trying to leave me ? She asked in between sobs and I stared blankly at her not knowing what to do Talk to me Jayden. She half yelled and I sighed The chief correctional officer asked to see me and he asked me to come along with my belongings. I explained and she widened her eyes in surprise Oh Jayden! You are going home !! Home! I repeated to be sure I heard right and she nodded Once the chief correctional officer ask to see you with your bags packed it means you are going home ! Oh yeah! I hope so . I drawled Promise me you won't forget about me , promise me you would wait for me . She continued I stared at her wondering how I should tell her she means nothing to me , that what we shared was nothing but a game to me .... I exhaled deeply Anne! I called softly, cupping her cheeks and her eyes lit up Please forget all about me . I said in whispers and she moved back in shock What do you mean by that? Don't you love me? Don't I mean anything to you? She asked in a rush and i scoffed Love! Love is not meant for me Anne !!! And with tears rolling down her eyes, she gave me a long look before running towards her prison room !!! I watched her run and bit at my lower lips She is a good girl and I hope she finds love else where but come to think of it she was not even the only one I was screwing !!!!! Jayden! Can we go now? The warden voice rang from across the hall and I ran all the way to him Let's us go! Following behind him , we headed to the Chief office ..... * * Getting to the office , we stopped in front of the wooden door and the warder knocked to announce our presence Come in ! A familiar husky voice said and the warder gestured at me to go in I pushed the door opened and walked in And to my surprise, my dad was right in the office he was seated opposite the chief officer wearing his cops uniform, yes cops uniform. My dad is a senior cop officer ! On seeing me , he stood up and opened his hands wider and I rushed to hug him Dad! I really miss you ! I said in whispers He pulled out from the hug and stared directly into my face I miss you too son! he said and then faced the chief officer Ben! he called the chief officer by his first name , how is Jayden character of recent ? he asked the chief officer who glared at me before talking Jayden is nothing but a rude spoilt brat with anger issues and if not because of the friendship between us, I wouldn't have signed the petition for his release! Release! Am I really going to go home? I thought within I know Ben and I am really grateful. My dad appreciated and I rolled my eyes , I was already getting pissed with the insults So what are you going to about him Dave Winthrop? The chief correctional officer asked calling my dad by his full name and my dad sighed I plan on sending him to Tacoma . My dad answered and I went stiff Tacoma ! United state! Why the hell will he send me there? I wondered but decided to remain calm till we left the office .. You know I don't want to do anything to infuriate the chief officer so he won't change his mind and send me back to the prison , I was sick and tired of this damn place !!!! Alright Dave , I believe that Is the best thing to do , he needs a different environment to start a new life . The chief officer agreed with my dad having said that , he pushed a small book to me and instructed me to sign at the last page which I did !!! He stared at it and nodded You are free to go Jayden but remember you were meant to spend the next 15 years of your life in prison so if you dare come back here it will be the end of you . he threatened Fuck You! I cursed silently You should be thankful your dad have so many connections. he added and then faced my dad You really need to discipline this kid , three years in this correctional centre did nothing to him !!!! Alright Ben! My dad said , stretching forth his hands and the chief officer held it as they both shook hands Thanks you for everything. My dad added and he smiled Let us go Jayden. My dad said and I shot the chief officer a glare before leaving the office . Spoilt brat! I heard him cursed....... * * "London Juvenile correctional institution" I read the huge wordings inscripted on the wall before walking through the huge gate !!! Wheeew! Who could have thought I will be out of this damn place after spending three long years! I really can't wait to be home , I really can't ....... It is time for you to go home Jayden . My dad said distracting me from my thoughts and I stopped abruptly What do you mean by that? I asked, staring intently at him and he sighed A lot of things happened when you were in prison..erm you see your mom and I had a divorce so we ain't together anymore. he said trying not to meet my gaze and I scoffed Divorced! Why! Oh ! Interesting! I guessed you caught her pants down with the neighbour. I said and he froze how do you know about it? he asked in shock That was because I caught her also! I half yelled and he opened his mouth in shock Then why didn't you tell me ? he asked still in shock and I ran my hands through my hair because It was the same day I was arrested! he stared at me gobsmacked for a while and then sighed I know how you feel son but your mom is a changed person now . he said defending my mum Oh yeah! I drawled and he cleared his throat before he continued Uhm ! Uhm! As I was saying, it is time for you to go home to Tacoma Tacoma ! Are you for real dad! Are we really going to do this? I asked in a rush and he nodded Your maternal grandparents recently passed on and they willed all of their properties to you .he explained and I scoffed Properties! Is this what this is all about? No son , you also need to start your life all over again , you can't stay here with me because of you erm you know criminal record. he said and that was it , I flared up Criminal record! You are abandoning me because I am an ex juvenile delinquent ! No tell me dad , are you going to give up on me just like mother! I yelled without minding the scene I was already causing Lower your voice Jayden! No one is giving up on you , your mother also wants the best for you .... Mother! Mother! Mother! Can you stop mentioning that name , I am sick and tired of hearing it . I said in a huff and then broke down in tears.. Oh Jayden! My dad exclaimed softly as he patted my back I am not giving up on you but this is the only option we have , you have to go live with your mother at Tacoma , you have to go start a new life and when you are old enough, you can come back here to London . he said with a cracked voice and I looked at him to see the tears forming in his eyes ... I always thought of my dad as a hard man but seeing him cry made me realised he had been bottling up his pain inside of him ....... I will go to Tacoma . I blurted out and his eyes lit up Thank you son ! Thank you very much son! And without wasting time , he brought out a file from his bag and handed it to me I opened the file and brought out its content It was a pass Port , visa and a driver license! You have a flight to catch in the next one hour. My dad informed and I nodded slowly Opening the visa , I went through it but what I saw got me confused Right underneath my picture was a name entirely different from mine Hardin Castillo ! I muttered and then shifted my gaze to my dad Who is Hardin Castillo? I asked and he bit at his Lower lips It is you . he said softly and I scoffed Are you trying to change my name ? I asked to be sure and he nodded Castillo is your mother's surname and Hardin is the name we both decided to give you so it is your name also . he explained But why? I asked softly You need a different name Hardin , Jayden Winthrop is all messed up.he said calling me by my new name but I shook my head in disagreement My name is Jayden and not Hardin ! No son! starting from today you are Hardin Castillo, I have sighed all the document and there is nothing you can do about it .... You are impossible dad! I retorted and he smiled Sure son! It is time for you to leave for the airport or else you will miss your flight . he said and that was when I noticed the yellow taxi parked a few meters away from us This isn't a dream , I am going to Tacoma for real! he walked me down to the taxi and then leaned over to talk to the driver Drive him carefully to the airport. I heard him say !! And without saying anything, I opened the back door and got in Bye Hardin ! he waved at me and I looked away I can't believe he changed my name without my consent! You can go! I told the driver who nodded before zooming off I stared at the visa once more and sighed Hardin Castillo ! What kind of life awaits you in Tacoma !! * * TBC
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