Chapter 63

2185 Words

‘Ladies and gentlemen—no, I won’t say ladies and gentlemen, I’ll call you my friends, my dear friends, if the ladies will allow me to take so great a liberty—’ Here Mr. Pickwick was interrupted by immense applause from the ladies, echoed by the gentlemen, during which the owner of the eyes was distinctly heard to state that she could kiss that dear Mr. Pickwick. Whereupon Mr. Winkle gallantly inquired if it couldn’t be done by deputy: to which the young lady with the black eyes replied ‘Go away,’ and accompanied the request with a look which said as plainly as a look could do, ‘if you can.’ ‘My dear friends,’ resumed Mr. Pickwick, ‘I am going to propose the health of the bride and bridegroom—God bless ‘em (cheers and tears). My young friend, Trundle, I believe to be a very excellent and

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