Mister Dream Lord, Bring Me A Dream-3

2000 Words

Swooping around the big neon arrow, the Dream Lord sees Lullaby on a pile of rocks below him--encircled by glowing cartoon characters she has created to defend herself from the horde of sick creatures trying to attack her. There are cartoon bears, and rabbits, and ducks, like Yogi Bear, Bugs Bunny, and Daffy Duck--plus a character like the Tasmanian Devil and a big coyote. The cartoon figures are wrestling with the creatures, slugging it out with them to keep them away from Lullaby. Lullaby (looking up at Dream Lord from her hill): Dream Lord, would you please give me a lift? I'm sorry, but I'm really not having fun anymore. The novelty has worn off, y'know? Page 9 panel 6 Lullaby (as a screaming creature plunges past her cartoon defenders, holding a spear): These dudes are buzzed!

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