The Charge of the Night Brigade-6

207 Words

Page 24 panel 9 Dream Lord: Only one person seems to know what's really happened...all the secrets, all the truth. I've got to find him. Page 25 (5 panels) Page 25 panel 1 Dream Lord: The Night Brigade reminded me that the Dream Lord is important! He has a mission, a duty to the entire world! I guess...that's what I forgot most of all before now. In order for the Dream Lord to carry out his duty, he has to know the truth about himself. Page 25 panel 2 The Dream Lord concentrates and begins to glow yellow. Dream Lord: He has to become a new force... Page 25 panel 3 The yellow glow flares, surrounding the Dream Lord. We can only see his vague outline through the light. Dream Lord: ...a new man... Page 25 panel 4 Large panel with a medium shot of the Dream Lord standing reve

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