The Charge of the Night Brigade-4

2035 Words

Page 15 panel 3 Closeup of the Dream Lord's arm as Coma fits a metallic bracelet around his wrist. The bracelet has a number of tiny lights and circuits. Coma: Got it. He's ready for transport. Night Terror: Good. Now get out of the way. Page 15 panel 4 Night Terror: Goodbye, Dr. Adams. You are going on a long trip. I can't say it's been nice knowing you, because it hasn't. Coma moves away from the Dream Lord's body, leaving it hanging in mid-air. Night Terror points a flat, rectangular device at the hero, just like the device Lullaby stole from Symbol. There is a click and a hum as the mechanism is activated. Page 15 panel 5 Night Terror: Have a nice flight. We'll send your luggage along later. Hangover: See ya', you fairy! Narrator (vet): Then, I had the strangest feeling

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