Long Night's Journey Into Death-4

1145 Words

Lullaby: Now take it a little bit at a time. Here's a big cut. Get rid of it. Wish it away. Page 21 panel 2 Closeup of Lullaby as she talks and guides Dream Lord from the brink of death. Dream Lord: Ack...I can't stand it...anymore! Lullaby: Don't be such a baby! Stop whining and start healing! Come on, work on yourself! Page 21 panel 3 Closeup of the deep gash, as it fades from the Dream Lord's chest. Lullaby's hand hovers above it, glowing with a faint yellow aura. Lullaby: There...there, that's it! You lost the cut! Now keep going, get the bullets out. Page 21 panel 4 Dream Lord: I...I'm dying. I...can't... Lullaby (her face also contorted with effort and pain): Will you stop? I told you before, buster...it's up...to you! Come on! Bullets...out! Page 21 panel 5 Thr

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