You are burning me!

1150 Words
    Van’s POV— I closed my eyes tight as if to decide whether to do the craziest thing that crossed my mind or not! But after a minute or so, I opened my eyes with firm determination! Yes, I will touch her, kiss her, feel her and caress her! I will worship her body and have a taste of her! I was struggling how to approach her? She was sleeping peaceful on my chest, just like a baby, while my right hand was at her back and left had was free. ‘Should I just taste her soft lips while she is asleep?’ As I was deciding my next action, the girl snuggled a little more and hugged me tighter. She shifted a little uncomfortably against my chest as if trying to adjust her body into a more comfortable position. I quickly turned by body towards her and gave her a little more space to cuddle. My face was now closer to her and her sharp facial features were magnified under my close and intense gaze! I ran my gaze across her face. She was in one word a goddess! With long eyelashes casting a shadow, sharp and thin nose, perfectly toned cheeks and a little plum lips which parted slightly, she looked magnificent. I slowly leaned in over her face, my hot breath brushing her face and softly pressed my lips on hers. To my surprise, she flicker her eyes open and stared into my eyes as if she was not sure if I was a dream or real. Her eyes were half open as if she was drunk. I jerked back a little, feeling guilty but then she said with a faint cute smile, “Oh Baby! Kiss me please!” I remained still for a second to see if she falls back to sleep or not. But she was half awake and just closed her eyes once only to open again. Then she pushed her body little more towards me, her heavy round breast teasing my chest and she pouted and whispered, “You kiss me every night! This dream is bad!” I smiled in my mind at her childish complain. I have never heard something like this! So, she dreams about me every night? “You are burning me VAN! Please kiss me!” she cribbed and before she could complain more, I leaned into her again and this time I claimed her soft lips for a wet and hot kiss. “Mmmm” She moaned turning me on and I deepened the kiss, pushing my tongue inside her mouth and after a long while, I pulled back, suckling her lower lip one last time. My hand grazed her sleepy face and soon travelled down her shoulder towards her breast. I couldn’t stop myself from squeezing her right one a little. It was full and perfectly fit my hand. I again leaned and brushed my lips with hers before kissing her a little urgently, while my hand travelled further down, beyond her abdomen I was feeling hot! Just a kiss was not enough to have a proper taste of this beauty. I brushed my fingers down towards her core, my lips pulled back for breath but I stopped and frowned when she mumbled with her eyes closed, “No! Don’t hurt my love! Don’t hurt my VAN!” I removed my hand instantly feeling a little guilty! This strange girl fainted on seeing me bleed in the ring last year! Then hit her head when she saw me today, kissed me in front of the washroom and now she is dreaming about me! I will have to have more of her. But not now! Not like this! I kissed her forehead softly and cuddled back, resting her head on my chest. “Sleep baby! I am here! Shhh” I whispered very softly into her ears and she lifted her head and gave me a peck on my lips without even opening her eyes and curled back into my body.  I smirked at the innocence of the sweet girl, then leaned back and drifted off to sleep. For the first time I didn’t need to read Queen’s story to fall asleep.   Kiara’s POV— I was so excited after kissing VAN in front of the washroom that I expressed it to Elina with full zest, but she ignored it. I became so annoyed that I leaned on the window and pretended to fall asleep! And thanks God that I did fall asleep in sometime! Yes, because, I had this realistic dream about VAN! His kiss was so wet and hot that it felt like everything was happening for real! I also tried to look at his face which stared into mine but it looked damn real! Even the touch was real! I enjoyed my dream thoroughly! I enjoyed his caress and kisses and his touch! Everything except for the part when he was hit on the jaw by Jackson and blood oozed out of his mouth! I immediately cried out and screamed to threaten the person and I punched and kicked him for hurting my Love! My VAN! Then I felt a comfortable and warm embrace that lulled me to a deep peaceful slumber! I had a long and comfortable sleep because I was cuddled to a warm hard chest and two strong arms have kept be wrapped into a cosy embrace. The smell of the Aask Oud Arabian Nights and it was so good! After a deep sleep I woke up, stretched my hands, arching my body like a bow and yawned slightly. I felt refreshed and the smell of the cologne ‘Mmm’ ….wow! It’s so enticing! Wait! How is Elina smelling like a man? And what happened to her body? Her breast…I mean she is a girl and cannot just have a hard chest and strong arms! I was facing the window now with my back at the person sitting beside me. The moment I realised that it cannot be Elina, the first thing that came in my mind was, ‘Is it VAN by any chance? Did I just sleep on his chest?’ My eyes popped out at the thought and my mouth opened wide as I gasped covering it with both my hands. And just at that moment, two arms wrapped my torso from the back while the person embedded his head into my neck. I gulped nervously as I looked down at the hands that wrapped me, still in shock. They were muscular and had a Dragon Tattoo! I didn’t dare to look back. Facing him will be awkward! I know I have a habit of talking in sleep. I even open my eyes and talk sometimes! And right now I don’t know how he is sitting beside me and what I did while sleeping! I just tried to see from the corner of my eyes to check whether the person was VAN or not! I froze when I did! Yes, the person who was cuddling with me was indeed my dream love! VAN!
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