Chapter 27

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A soft smile started to creep up at the ends of my lips as I looked down at the pictures Colton had sent to me last night. Honestly, it wasn't that bad. I had fun with him and enjoyed the evening. However, what happened later is something else. I shuddered, not wanting to be reminded of that awkward meeting with Helena. What's more concerning was the fact that I couldn't remember what I had done while being drunk that evening. Did I say something dumb or embarrassing? Or maybe I might have made a fool of myself... It all remains a mystery. Colton did say that I fell asleep as a result of being too drunk, and I only hoped that was true. I sent a few pictures to my father, knowing he would be over the moon when he saw them. He will also think that Colton and I are always seeing each other in New York. At least, he will be happy about it for some time. "What are you smiling at?" I heard Lana ask. I jumped, startled. "Lana, you shouldn't sneak up on people like this," I scolded, one hand letting go of my phone while the other one flew to my chest as if that could help bring back my heart to its regular tempo. She gave me a sheepish smile, "You just looked so happy about something so I wanted to see what was that about" She said and glanced down at my phone that was lying flat against the desk now. My eyes widened in horror when I remembered what I was looking at before she sneaked up on me. I hurriedly reached for the phone, but it was too late. Her quick hands snatched it away before I could. "Ah, so this is why you looked so happy." She waggled her eyebrows suggestively at me before putting her focus on the pictures again, "Aww, you guys look so cute together." She gushed. My cheeks turned crimson as she swiped to look at the other pictures, "Thanks, I guess," I said uncomfortably. "I am so glad that you finally found someone good enough for you. Well, technically, it was your father who matched him with you, but still, I am happy. Colton Lockwood is like the dream of every woman in New York City. " "If he is that famous, why haven't I heard about him before this?" I asked her, snatching my phone away from her. "I heard his name quite a few times before but never really had time to search online to see what he looked like. I only got to know that he is Colton Lockwood after he bumped into you -" "Correction, I bumped on him," "Same difference. Yeah, I only knew after going home that night, " She said, taking the seat in front of me, "Are you done with the files? We have to get them done before -" My office landline started ringing, making her press her lips into a thin line. She watched me as I answered the phone, "Yes?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows together. "Miss Harrington, there is an issue. The van that was supposed to carry raw materials to our Mr. Button's home had been in an accident, and all the materials were beyond destroyed. " Worry spiked within me, "How is our driver? Is he okay?" I asked. I could buy the materials back but a human soul... "I have been told that he survived with light injuries." I heard Lia continue, "What are we going to do about the raw materials? We have to be lucky if the distributor has what we need in their inventory as we're running out of time to complete our project. " "Alright, give me some time to think about it," I said, "Meanwhile try to find other distributors around here while I talk with our current one." "Roger that," The phone got disconnected after that. "What's wrong?" Lana asked once I put the phone down. "We have to visit our staff at the hospital. He had been in an accident. " I pulled myself up from my seat, "or you can find other distributors while I visit him. Though if I were you, I would speed things up a little. Call them and ask what we need. " "I will see what I can do," She said, all the amusement leaving her eyes at once. I grabbed what I needed and exited my room with Lana. "I'll let you know if we find any distributors," Lana said as I rushed towards the elevator. "Good. Call our current one first before calling anyone else. Lia would tell you what you need from them. " "Got it," She said just as I stepped into the elevator. Over the next hour, I helped my staff to claim his insurance at the private hospital so he would be able to receive the best medical attention possible. He kept apologizing for ruining everything, but I assured him that everything was fine. The only person he should be worried about now is none other than himself. My phone started ringing again, and I answered it without looking at the ID, "Yes, Lana. Did you find anything?" "Where are you?" I was surprised to hear the familiar deep voice. "Colton?" I asked. "Yeah, the one and only. I called to inform you about the grand arrival of me later at your office, " He joked. "Um, I am afraid I won't be there to put a red carpet for you," "Why?" He asked, upset now. I explained everything that happened as quickly as I could. "I'll be there in five," He said. "No need for that. I have already dealt with it for now, " I protested before it is too late. "Are you sure?" He asked. "Yeah." I nodded even though I knew he couldn't see me through the phone now. "Okay. Let me know if you need anything. Do not hesitate to call me, okay?" I smiled at that, "Okay" I said before hanging up the call. "Alright, I have to leave now. I hope you have a speedy recovery. Don't worry about anything but getting better, " I said to the van driver and left him at the ward. I walked through the corridors of the hospital while looking down at my phone to see if Lana updated me about the materials. My phone almost flew off my hand when I felt someone grab my other arm from behind, halting my steps. I spun around to look at this person, and my throat went dry when I saw Jake standing there. "Jake," I said when I found my voice again. He gripped my arm tighter to the extent it started to throb, "Come with me," He said. I shook my head at him, "Let go of my hand before I cause a scene here," I warned him, twisting and turning my arm in a vain attempt to free myself. The only thing that made me happy was I was in a public place with a sea of people. There was no way Jake would harass me here, but still, a small part of me was afraid he would. Jake only smiled at my threat. He pulled me away from the crowd to a secluded area. There was no one around here, but anyone could hear me if I screamed from there. My eyes raked over the ceiling to see if they had any CCTV cameras fixed around here. To my relief, there was one. "I knew you would come," He said, still refusing to let go of my arm. I furrowed my eyebrows, "What?" "I knew you would come if your driver gets injured." A wicked smile spread on his face, "You kept me away from your office and apartment, so I knew I could meet you here." I connected the dots, "You caused this?" I asked, referring to the accident. I felt something in the pit of my stomach as I watched him. He nodded, and that ugly smile got wider, "I did what I had to do to meet you again." He shrugged as if it was not a big deal. I glowered with him, "You can be charged for this crime. Do you know that?" "I do. I just don't care. Besides, they don't have any evidence. " I gritted my teeth together, "Let go of my hand," I commanded when it felt too painful for me to bear with it. "Accept me into your life again," "No," I spat. Jake gripped my arm tighter than before and clearly wanted to implicate pain. "I wasn't asking," He growled, "You have to accept me if you like it or not. You can't use me and throw me as you wish" It was so painful that I cried out, doubling over. "Use you? It was you who used me!" I nearly screamed, "Let go of my arm. God dammit!" I heard a pair of footsteps walk towards us and looked up in hope to see if anyone would come and save me from this evil man. And there he was. My Knight in shining armor. "What the f**k is going on here?" Colton growled.
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