Chapter 40

1743 Words
Charlotte's POV The way Colton was watching made my cheeks turn crimson again. I lightly brushed my hair away from my face, careful enough not to mess up with the hairstyle. Lana had spent so much time meticulously curling it. She will have my head if I return home looking like I had just been in wrestling show. "Charlotte" He said, his eyes scanning my face and then travelled down to take in what I was wearing, "You look- You look stunning" He said, as if he was at loss for words. I smiled at him, "I could say the same to you," I said, taking in the Italian suit tailored just for him. Then again, Colton could wear a simple t-shirt and still manage to look like he had just walked out from a celebrity magazine shoot. He walked over to me, still appearing to be in a daze. Was he really awestruck by the way I looked this evening, or was it just a show for his family? I shouldn't let small things like this get a hold of me. After all, we are just a couple in front of their eyes. Behind him, his grandmother and his sister were also wearing similar expressions on their faces. I cleared my throat, "I guess he it is his first time seeing me all glammed up like this." I chuckled, not wanting to feel awkward when the event hadn't even started yet. I grabbed his arm, "Colton?" I said, playing along with him, "Earth to, Colton, " I added, waving my free hand in front of his face. That seemed to bring him back to his senses. At least, that's how he wanted it to look like, "Sorry, I was -" "Stunned by her beauty." Helena finished the sentence for him, winking at me when I caught her eyes. "So it seems," His grandmother agreed, "I mean, only a blind man wouldn't. You look ravishing dear, " She complimented me, "I was just asking him where you were. " "Oh, I am sorry, Grandma. We were supposed to be here on time, but my friend's car tyre got punctured, so I took a cab here, " I explained. "Why didn't you call me? I would have come -" I shook my head at Colton, "It was nothing. I was only five minutes away from this mansion. " I shrugged at him, "I would have walked my way here if I wasn't wearing this dress. " "It's a good thing you didn't. We don't want press swarming this place thinking a famous celebrity has arrived here. " Helena grinned at me, "Um, you still remember me, right? We met the other day at Colton's penthouse -" "You brought her to your penthouse?" His grandmother cut Helena off. I turned beet red again, "It-It is not what you're thinking," I stammered, looking away from her intense gaze. "She was tired that day, and I let her take a nap there. That's all, " Colton said, coming to my rescue. A joyful smile graced grandma's lip, and she looked at us, thrilled. "No, I don't mind you and spending time at the penthouse. Not at all. " She chuckled, looking shy now. Can the floor just c***k underneath me and swallow me whole? I cleared my throat again, "Yeah, of course, I remember you. You're Helena. Colton's sister, " I said quickly to change the subject. "You look absolutely beautiful today. You too, grandma, " I said, taking in their dresses for the first time since I arrived. "Thank you dear," Grandma said, "Colton, please accompany her to have some drinks," She said to her grandson, "I will be right here, dear. I just have to make sure everything is perfect tonight. " I nodded at her, and she walked away with a maid hot on her heels. I released the breath that I didn't realize I was holding and looked at Helena. "It is going to be tough saving her from Melanie now," She mused, glancing at her brother, "They do not like anyone that looks better than them. I hope you're feisty enough to stand up for yourself if she dares to mess with you, " She said. Her eyes now were only on me. I felt like I was missing something out, "Who is Melanie again?" The room suddenly went eerily quiet. I turned around to know what made the buzzing stop and saw three young women enter the mansion, taking the dress code to another level. "That would be Melanie and her gang," Helena said behind me. They strutted their way in, acting as if they are on freaking red carpet and there are cameras everywhere, "I assume the one in the centre is Melanie" I said, noting how she stood out from the other two. "Yep. She liked to be in the centre. She would pull her sisters hair out if they ever tried to be in the centre. " Helena chuckled, "Pretty but shallow. " I watched them as they walked, "Is it just me, or are they really moving in slow motion?" I asked, turning my attention back to Helena and Colton. "No, you're not imagining it. They are deliberately walking at that pace. It is not new to us. We are used to it now so we don't watch them as they do that. " She cringed, "Ugh, I need to use the restroom. I will be here soon, " She said, putting her glass on a tray nearby before picking up her dress and sprinting away from there. I grinned at her retreating figure and looked at Colton again, "You're awfully quiet tonight. Is there something I should know about?" It seemed like Colton never took his eyes off me the entire time, "No, I was just - Yeah. Grandma might introduce you to a few people as my girlfriend, " He said, running his fingers through his hair. "I had expected that. What else will she tell her family when I am the only outsider here?" I raised my eyebrows at him. "Right. I thought you wouldn't be okay with that, " He muttered. I tilted my head to the side, "Why wouldn't I? This is what we have agreed about, " I shrugged, "What else would she introduce me as?" I asked, watching the guests who had just arrived. His lips tugged upwards into a smirk, "Do you want something to drink?" "Yeah." I nodded my head at him, "I prefer something non alcoholic" He nodded his head and left my side to go get a glass for me. I sighed and stood there, trying not to feel awkward now. I glanced at the direction Helena had vanished, hoping she would return soon. "And who might this be? I have never seen you before. " I looked to the front again to see Melanie standing in front of me, watching me as if I were a speck of dust. Her sisters stood behind her, watching me with a similar expression on their on their faces. I looked around me and noticed I was the only one standing there, "Are you talking to me?" I asked her politely. She rolled her eyes at me, "Is there anyone else around except you?" She asked, trying to act smart, "Who are you? I had never seen you before. " I smiled, still trying my best to be polite, "I could say the same." She seemed offended by my reply, "Aren't you going to tell me then?" I pretended to think for a split second, "I am Charlotte Harrington, and you are?" I asked even though I already knew who she was. She already looked like a snob. If I told her I knew who she was, she might permanently stuck up her nose in the air. "I don't remember any Harrington in this family." She ignored my question, "I think you might be mistaken. This is a private event for family members only. You should leave before the security kick your ass out. " The other two sister laughed as if Melanie had cracked a joke, "You should leave, Clarise" "It is Charlotte and no, I won't leave. I have been invited as well" I was finding it hard to maintain the smile now. Melanie clenched her fists, "Are you talking back to me? You clearly don't know who I am. I am going to call the security now" "I wouldn't if I were you" I looked to the side to see Helena walking towards us, "Jeez. Where is my brother?" "He went to get me a drink" I answered. Helena muttered something under her breath and looked at the trio again, "She is my brother's girlfriend" "Colton's girlfriend?" The other sister nearly screeched, "Since when Colton has a girlfriend?" "Helena. You know I don't buy a single word that comes from your mouth. I don't know who she is or how she is related to you but I'd like to remind you, this is not a place for commoners" Helena's nostrils flared, "Are you implying that I am a liar?" Melanie raised her shoulders, "I do not trust anyone in general" "You are not obliged to trust me but you also have no right to ask me to leave this dinner" I said, "You're not hosting this event. You are just a guest like me" "But I am family" "And she will be as well" I recognised Colton's voice from behind me. All the three women in front of me paled. They stood there, frozen like a statue. I heard Colton come up to stand next to me, "Ladies, it is my pleasure to introduce my girlfriend, Charlotte Harrington to all of you" He said, handing me a glass of soda. "What took you so long?" I grunted taking a sip. "You wanted non alcoholic" I noticed Helena watching her brother as if he had grown another head, "Did you go get it from the kitchen? By yourself?" She asked him in disbelief. Colton simply nodded at her earning a round of collective gasps. No way. The kitchen is located on the other side of the mansion! Helena scoffed and turned to face the three sisters again, "Now you have no other choice but to believe him, right?" She chuckled. I smiled to myself. He went that far to get me a glass of soda? How impressive.
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