Chapter 32

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"This packaging is so cute, don't you think? Oh I love so much that I didn't want it to finish up" Grandma said when she opened the gift I got her, "I mean, I can always buy a whole lot of it but still, it so nice" Colton has left me here to attend an important business call about five minutes ago. He said he'd return as soon as he can and asked me to bear with his grandmother for a little while. "I am glad you love it, Grandma. I had a slight dilemma with this and another brand but this one won my heart" I said as she examined the small bottle in her frail hands. "I see. You have a great taste dear" She smiled and carefully inserted the bottle into the box again, "Has Colton treating you nice?" She asked, putting the box down, "If he doesn't, you can tell me. I won't mind whacking him" I laughed at that and shook my head, "That will be a great scene to witness but no. He has been wonderful to me" She scanned my face for a few seconds as if to check if I am being sincere or not, "Colton is a rare gem dear. I am not saying this only because he is my grandson but as a person though. You might have realised that by now, right?" She was right. Colton is sure an one in a million guy, "Yes. That's why I am with him now, Grandma." I said, tucking a loose strand of my hair behind my ear, "I don't know how he sees me though" I added, appearing to be worried. She motioned me to get closer to her, "He likes you more than you know" She whispered when I inched closer to her, "These days, there is a smile etched on his lips almost all the time. He was not like that before he met you!" I wanted to pretend like I was shy but happy when I heard that but how can I fake it when I really felt that way? "Really?" I asked. She nodded at me excitedly, her eyes overflowing with joy, "He even agreed to join our family dinner next week. He said he will bring you as well" That surprised me, "Oh he didn't tell me anything about that yet" I mumbled. A family dinner? "Maybe he forgot. He is a busy man" She shrugged as if it was not a big deal, "Oh, I have been meaning to ask you. Has Colton said anything about his childhood or his mother yet?" She asked, all the joy dissipating to the air. "He didn't tell me much. He took me to the beach the other day and remisniced his days with his mother" I sighed, "I have to admit that I am curious but I know I have to wait until he is ready to open up" "Oh he will open up soon" Grandma patted my hand reassuringly. "Mother" I heard a new voice join. I looked up to see Colton's father standing there, his calculating eyes were on me, "Good to see you too, Charlotte" He said when he caught my eyes, "How's your parents doing in Maryland?" "They are doing great" I smiled politely at him, "Thank you for asking" "Where is your wife?" Grandma asked, not hiding her distaste. Bernard Lockwood looked a little uncomfortable now, "She has gone out with her friends to do some shopping" He said, "Where is Colton?" "Of course. Shopping is all she knows. I don't know how she can spend your money like that when she comes from a poor background. People like her should know the value of money more than anyone" Grandma said, completely ignoring his question. "Mother-" "Of course, you wouldn't like it if I say anything about her" She grumbled, "Even Helena knows how to spend her money which is a whole different story considering that is her hard earned money" "Alright, enough about her mother" Bernard said softly, taking the other seat next to his mother, "Charlotte. I am sorry I didn't get to talk to you properly the last time we met. Would you mind telling me more about yourself?" "I have an interior designer firm here, Mr. Lockwood. Me and my friend are the creative head there and we have a team of professionals to make our vision come into a reality" I stated, "We are renovating Colton's office this week" "So you two are joined by the hips now, huh?" Grandma asked, appearing to like that thought. I chuckled, "Yes. When we are not working that is. I have a business to take care too so I know how busy a day can get for Colton. Surprisingly, we are able to make some time for us regularly" "I am happy to hear about that, dear" She sighed. Bernard Lockwood remained quiet as he took all the information in, "He really likes you, doesn't he?" "I'd like to think that so. He wouldn't have brought me here if he doesn't like me, right?" I asked with a small smile on my face, "Colton is a very reserved person. He takes his sweet time to let people know about his true emotions" Bernard was about to say something when we heard Colton's voice again. He was still talking on the phone as he made his way to us. His eyes fell on his father and immediately they hardened, "I will call you soon to talk about it's progress" He said to the phone and cut the call. "Did you two had a great time together?" He asked his grandmother, pretending like he didn't see his father there. "We did. Did you come here to snatch her away from me?" His grandmother asked, "Why don't you join us? We can talk-" "No, I have to go now. I promised Charlotte to take her to the movies today" He lied smoothly. I wondered why he wanted to get away from here this early. He specifically said he wanted to spend the day with his grandmother until late in the evening. His grandmother sighed in defeat, "Promise me you will bring her again soon" "I promise" He said to her before turning to me, "Charlotte" He said, extending his hand towards me and waiting for me to take it. I gently placed my hand against his palm and allowed him to pull me to my feet again, "I had a great time today with you, Grandma. I hope to see you soon" I said, feeling Colton's arm around my waist. "Me too. Have loads of fun, okay? Seeing you two reminds me of my younger days" She sighed. We bid our farewell to her and left that mansion. One thing that I noticed was, Colton didn't spare a glance towards his father the entire time but there was a longing in Bernard Lockwood's eyes. As if he wanted his son to talk to him like any other son would. "We are not going to the movies, are we?" I asked once we were in the car. "I am sorry you had to have a conversation with my father" He apologised, "That wasn't in our list today" I shrugged, "I didn't mind though. He didn't talk that much. He just sat there and listened in to Grandma and me" Colton cleared his throat, "Would you like to go anywhere else before I drop you at your place?" He asked, gripping the steering wheel tighter. I shook my head, "No" "Would you mind spending some time with me until I cool off then?" He asked, pulling the car to a stop in a secluded area. "Cool off from what?" "From seeing my father's face. Just looking at it makes my blood boil" He hissed through his teeth. "That's a little rash, don't you think?" I asked in a small voice. "You don't know the things he had done to me, Charlotte. He tortured me way too much for me to endure a minute with him" His frame started shaking as he drove, "He threw me away like a trash when I needed him the most" My heart ached at the pain in his voice. I slowly extended my arm towards him and put it on his free hand, "Colton" I said softly, gripping his hand, "Calm down. You're here now. You don't have to go to your past" Colton seemed to relax under my touch a little, "All my life, people that I loved the most left me, Charlotte. They are not there when I need them" He shook his head, staring at the road. I knew what he meant. I could relate to him. "I will be here when you need me" I blurted out without thinking, "I don't care if our relationship is fake or what but I promise, I will be there for you if you ever need me" I said. He turned to look at me as if he was moved by the choice of my words, "You will?" He asked. I nodded at him, "I will"
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