Curly looked at the c**k cage and balls hanging limp and vulnerable between the open legs and said, "They won't need to cage what's left of your c**k when I'm done with it." As he raised his foot to stomp down, Lanky Trotter shot his foot up into Curly's balls. Curly screamed and squatted, pressing his legs together against his balls as he dealt with the pain. Lanky Trotter kicked his butt with his left leg and stretched his right leg under Curly Fighter's head as he lost his balance and fell forward. Lanky Trotter then swung his left leg over Curly Fighter's head, locking his ankles and pressed his knees together. Curly Fighter squirmed furiously jerking his head every which way and kicking his feet helplessly. He was suckered into a headlock and had no means of freeing himself. Lanky Tro